any sharks good for 70 gal


Originally Posted by reeftank27
well if you read jr's right, he is saying that once born in a small tank, you should move it into a bigger tank. Anyway you look at it the shark is getting moved. weather it is sooner or later doesnt really matter and there are alot of people that say starting a small shark in a small is the way to go. Easier to feed.
it is not easier to feed just because its in a smaller tank and "any way you look at it its getting moved." That part is not true, I can look at it in a way where you buy the right sized tank from the beginning and never have to move it and never cause it stress.


Originally Posted by Demosthenes
Additionally, if you give out advice that a person can get a fish while they are small enough to survive in a tank that is smaller than ideal, we end up with a lot of people buying Imperator Angels and the like and keeping them in a 29G or a 55G and then either having to dole out hundreds of dollars to move to a larger tank, having to find a LFS that will take it off of your hands, which is very unlikely, or having a beautiful specimen die painfully as it chokes among its own waste in a home that was never intended to house it in the first place. Please, keep your ego about "facts" and "semantics" in check and just give some sensible advice that contains a white lie or just a conservative lilt, rather than being brutally honest while fooling some newbies into believing they can care for a fish that they really cannot handle. Demo

Thank you


what ever, your not me worth wasting my time anymore, the thing is you and no one else can save every fish in the world. enough said
this is the last im posting on this subject. And thank you

and JR, i wish you could fight your own battles, instead everyone thinks since your 13 that they need to defend you.


Originally Posted by jr2857
the only shark suitable is a shark egg and is best to be moved out once hatched
Im pretty sure that was ment as an exaggeration on how quickly youd have to move it, not literally meaning the second it hatched. Thats how I took it anyways.


Active Member
I thought Jr's advice was perfectly fine. He was right in that a shark cannot live in a 70 gallon. Who wants to buy a fish only to have it for 3 months? And if the person has or is upgrading to a bigger tank anyway, why would they ask about the 70 gallon? They would obviously know that most predatorial fish need bigger tanks anyway. The original question was "any sharks good for a 70 gallon?" and not "any sharks good in a 7p gallon for a little while?"
I don't see why you have to pick on JR. He is now giving good advice. Before, everyone picked on him because he gave advice to things he did not know about. In this post, his advice was correct in saying that there are no sharks "good" for a 70 gallon.
In a 70 species only tank, an angler would look pretty cool. You could also go with a fuzzy dwarf lionfish.


quit pickin on him reef whatever your name is he does give good advice


boy all you little children stick together huh? were sorry that your parents have to use the computer as a baby should have to be a certain age to be on here, im sick of children on here......and i


Active Member
The take home is no, not for long term.
Short term, OK, but only, IMO, as a holding tank (meaning you've got the larger one in another room...not the "I plan on getting" scenario).
But once again there is a sloooow slide into "he hit me first" and "MOM!" and bickering.

The topic is covered.