Any Suggestion on a new Tank


New Member
Have a 30Gl Long tank which cycled for 4 weeks with Live Sand, another 2 with 10lbs of live rock. Since then I have added 4 small Damsels (about 1 inch) after 2 weeks added 7 more pounds of live rock, and 2 Camel Back Shrimp and 10 Turbo Snails as a cleanup crew.
In about 2 weeks I was going to add some bubble anemone and maybe 2 clowns. (My LFS) has anenome tanks with clowns already in the anenome's so I don't have to worry about them finding or not liking a host I put in.
I was also probably going to add some more LR over the next couple of weeks.
Does anyone have any other suggestions for this tank, or have I hit the limits with the 6 fish.


The anemone in a newly cycled tank is not the wisest of ideas. They (for the most part) will require a mature tank.
Unfortunatly in captive aquaria the anemones have a dismal survival rate.
If you are going to keep one PLEASE do a search on this board and read what posters have to say about it. Don't just skim these posts keep going and read as many as you can. Learn from the mistakes of others, including myself.
IMO lighting is very important for this photosynthetic animal. So lets start there.
What is your current lighting?
Welcome to the board


New Member
Using a combination of lighting. The main light is a metal Halide plus added a flurescent blue. When I started putting the pieces together, knowing I wanted to do a nice reef tank, I spent a lot of time researching lighting knowing that would be the most important piece.


that is was too many fish for a 30g. you should only keep 2 fish, maybe 3. a pair of clowns would be cool.


Active Member
4 small damsels and two clownfish is not a drastic over stock.
You could get away with it if you have a nice clean up crew.


Active Member
A thirty gallon tank should not have any more than three 3 inch fishes max. Read a few saltwater fish books and you will here the same. One can only keep less than half of the fish per gallon in a saltwater tank.......You will find out the hard way if you don't take a few damsels back as they grow. Lesley


Active Member
damsels are pretty but they suck!
They are so aggressive, i can imagin what a school would be like.