Any suggestions on a stock list


My tank has been up and running for about a year now, so far in my tank i have only had 1 clown fish in it, the setup is as folows:
60 gal tank
1-2" thick base botton of ls
75 lbs of lr
sump filtration
been running smoothly for a year.
150w power compacts
so the scenario is this, i am in the military, i go out to sea lot since i am in the navy, i set my tank up about the end of may last year, i let it cycle for about 1 month, with regular water changes, all parameters were freat at around the midle of july, when i added my cleaner crew(5 blue legs, 5 scarlet legs, 10 nasarius, 2 turbo, 3 bumble bee, 1 cleaner shrimp) i waited for another 2 weeks so by this time it was the middle of august or so, when i added my 1 false percula (wifes choice), and another cleaner shrimp, so i left on deployment for 6 months in november, with the sma estock in the tank, my wife took charge of all the tanks needs, so i came back around may 31st, its been two months and i have told myself i would get on here and get some ideas of some beautiful fish that i am able to add and maybe some soft corals, and a fewer other crabs and snails? the only thing i can figure out is what to put in the tank? it seems that everytime i look at a fish i like it says minimum of gallons greater than mine, so now my tank is in your guy's hands if you had a 1 year old tank with 1 false dominating it for about 8 months what would you add to your tank?
thanks to all for any info ahead of time?


Active Member
A royal gramma, a colorful fairy wrasse of some type, a bicolor blenny, and maybe a mate for the clown, or a lemon peel angelfish to contrast with the color of the clown. Hope the clown has not been in there alone so long that he is too territorial. Lesley


hmm, never really thought about all those fish? thanks for the ideas lesley and i think your the front runner as of now, but am also hopeing the same thing for my clown, but if maybe i drop another clown in there the other clown will distract it from messing with any other fish i add
thanks for the suggestion


Active Member
From what I have been told regarding clowns, the best thing to do is to add them at the same time. That being said, I believe that there are ways around that. If you decide to add another clown, you will probably need to rearrange all of your live rock to eliminate established territories (which would be the whole tank for your current clown).
I did this when my wife brought home a keyhole angel (already had an eibli). They have been living together for over six months now without any problem.
I really enjoy my dwarf angels, they are full of character and all over the tank. There are several different species that you could go with (bi-color, lemonpeel, eibli, keyhole, coral beauty, half black, etc...). I know that a lot of people have said that they are bad for coral, and some may be, but I have had no problem with mine (I have pulsating xenia, acrapora, and some zoanthids). Another thing that you may be able to get away with, especially with the tank being set up for over a year, is getting a mandarin (do you have a refugium?...that would be even better for this fish).
Take your time and enjoy. The best thing for you to do is to research the fish and make sure that they are compatible with each other.


Active Member
if i had a 60 gallon tank with 1 clownfish and the tank is a year old first of all i would return the clownfish...personally i think they are EVIL fish that attack you when you try to clean your aquarium...bad experience hehe well anyways i would definatly put a Flame Angel...i think one of the most beautiful fish you could buy they are just gorgeous...the pic that swf has of em i really dont like they dont look like that they look WAYYYYYYYYY better...and although it says that they may nip at corals and such i have seen and heard of VERY few that have done that then i would get a citron clown goby or a yellow watchman goby then if you wanted to get a refugium i would get a mandarin dragonet they are absolutly stunning i love watching em in the pet stores but i do not have an old enough tank or have a refugium which i would do before i got one then i would get a blackcap basslet again another beautiful fish that i think does very well in tanks i have one and he does not bother any of the shrimp or crabs...well actually he has this lil cave that he sleeps in and if hermits get too close he will go and pick em up and drop em away from his cave..i love watching him and thats like all the fish you could put in a 60 so again i would take out the clown and add a flame angel, citron clown goby or yellow watchman, green mandarin dragonet(if you have a refugium..or if you buy one and have it for awhile), and a blackcap not sure if i would put a pair of clowns if you really wanted that might throw off the bioload thing but maybe just maybe you could..but you would have to ask other peoples opinions on that...o ya if you chose to get a yellow watchman you would need a pretty deep sand bed that is kinda small in grain size...i hope i helped


If you want to mate your Clownfish, make sure the new fish you buy is smaller than the one in your tank. The one in your tank now is the dominant one already, so it needs a smaller mate it can bully as it morphs into a female. I think the chances of them hooking up are pretty good (as long as we're talking here about Percs or Ocellaris, not Maroons.)
For other fish you can try one of the dwarf angels like a Flame Angel or a Coral Beauty. These are the most common ones in the hobby, but there are others.
Blennies can be great. My favorites are Bicolor Blennies. They'll spend all day hopping from rock to rock to see what's going on around them.
There are a few smaller wrasses that would do well, like a Sixline Wrasse.
Down the road you can also add a Fridmani Pseudochromis. They're beautiful fish (usually bright purple) and active swimmers, but can be nasty to smaller and weaker fish.
Royal Grammas are beautiful, but tend to be shy.
You can also get more Shrimp - they can be fun to watch.


all these suggestions so far have just got my mind going in different suggestions but thanks to all who have given there input and i appreciate it, so next time you see my list of stock and you see a fish on there it was because maybe you had a little push in that direction
thanks to all who have given so far


I have to agree that my coral beauty is one of my favorites. Very active fish and the colors are great. As far as adding another clown, I added another later on and just made sure it was the smallest one I could find. My two have been best buds with no problems at all. Good luck, and thanks for everything you do in the Navy!