Any suggestions on how to change from cc to ls easily?


I am very new at this so please be patient. i have two yellow tail damsels and have had them in a tank for three weeks now. not sure of all the levels except 1.020 gr. i wanted corals and lr and someone said i couldnt do it with an undergravel filter and crushed coral. I dont have another tank to relocate my damsels. how can i change out the cc to ls easily (er).


Scoop out all the cc
Use a piece of PVC pipe and place the sand down the tube. This will keep the water "less" cloudy.
Run a filter with floss if you have one to clear up the tank.
Do a good water change afterwards.
When I did this it was after well after my cycle.
First take out the live rock and put it in a CLEAN bucket with some water and damp paper towels on top.
Then chase the fish around a while and put them in a nother bucket.
Do as large a water change as possible.
Scoop out the cc.
Add the ls with the pipe to guide it to the spot you want it and to keep the cloudiness down.
Before you add the new water put the live rock in in case the dislacement overflows the water.
Add the fish and let it run.
It will be cloudy for a day or two deppending on how smoothy it goes.
Oh also before you add the new sand siphon off any ditritus left behind.
Let the tank cycle and after that keep an eye on the levels and when it is stable then add mushroom corals. They are very hardy.