Any suggestions?


My fiance saw a fish he fell in love with one time when I wasn't with him and he can't remember what it was.He said it almost looked like a lion but it wasn't.It was stripped and dark in color and looked "bad" as he calls it.Any suggestions?I thought he was talking about a dragon wrasse so I got one and thats not it. :confused:


Could it be a...lionfish!?!?! *the crowd erupts into applause* No just kidding, but it's a definite possibility. Lionfish have striped bodies and fins, which are extremely elongated and flowing, which have the capability to sting, hence the name "lionfish." These fins look as if they outline the small head of the lionfish, so you can see the resemblance to an actual lion. I'm not sure about the "dark in color" part. Most lionfish you see at a local store are lighter colored with black, brown, sometimes purple-tinted fins, or other colors. But there are approximately 350 different species, so it's hard to explain exactly what one looks like. Do a search on the internet for "lionfish" and find some pictures, and then ask your on the link's a picture of a lionfish. Hope this helps!
[ May 01, 2001: Message edited by: misty927 ]
Originally posted by Saltwater Marauder:
<STRONG>the Scorpaenidae family.genus Rhinopias I can give you a link to a site with pics if you need one. Or you can go to the site that rhymes with, if you know what I am talking about.
[ May 01, 2001: Message edited by: Saltwater Marauder ]</STRONG>