Any suggestions


New Member
I'm looking to add a fish to my 75gal fish only tank. It's filtered by a 350 Pro Magnum and a Seaclone Protein Skimmer, its base is crushed coral, and has pleanty of lighting. I currently have 2 Clownfish, 1 Coral Beauty, and 1 Royal Gramma. I'm looking to ad a fish that is fairly active, colorful and a little larger in size. If you have any suggestions please let me know. Oh, I have no live rock, I have ordered some Bubble Tip anemone for my clowns.
Thanks :p
An excellent fish to get that is fairly big is a blonde naso tang. They are extremely pretty, little larger in size, and they are extremely active.


New Member
A great fish in a reef would be six-line wrasse I have one in my reef and he's great I had really got him to get rid of some bristle worms.


You should get a Hippo Tang. They are very pretty in color, they grow to a rather large size, and they actively swim throughout the tank. And as a bonus, they're not agressive. If your looking for something with size, get an adult but juveniles (the ones that are the size of quarters) are really fun to watch grow. The only down side is that the Hippo, like many tangs is susceptible to many kind of disease,


Active Member
how long has your tank been up? i wouldnt do a naso in there, imo they need at least 110-125 gallons minimum. so you want a somewhat larger colorful fish. hmm...look into yellow, hippo, kole tangs, cardinals are small but cool, lots of really cool wrasses, yellow headed watchman gobies, etc. do some research on fish and find one that you like. i would suggest the conscientious marine aquariest by dr. fenner. its an excellent book. good luck on your new fish and tell us what you get when you get it! bo