Any suggestions?


New Member
I have a 45 gal tank with large crushed coral as a substrate ,Been set up for about 15 years, one spotted hawk about 2 inches (kinda a bully) and a pertula clown .
What do you think I could put in there with them? I thought about a valentini puffer and a dwarf lion. or maybe an dwarf angel, but I haven't had muych luck with angels(think the puffer I used to have was to blame). i used to have triggers and liked them real well. I cant decide what to get. What about a cleaning crew?


Active Member
I think the valentini would be a great addition. They can handle themselves with bullies and shouldn't outgrow the 45. The dwarf lion I'm not sure of. Might want to make a lunch out of your clown someday. Perhaps another active fish like one of the smaller wrasses or a dottyback would add color and movement.
Let us know what you decide.


New Member
i was preety sure I wanted a puff my last one was a lot of fun. I 've never had dottybacks befor, I might give them a try. Can I have more than one (dottyback) in a tank I cant remember if you can pair them up . Some type of schooling fish might be fun too, but not sure my tank is large enough.
Thanks for your reply Jumpfrog. I'm gonna reserch dottybacks now