any sump/fuge builders?



Im looking into purchase a sump/fuge since I dont have the tools, pieces, or know how. I see magazines wet/dry sumps that are around $250 and well, that is alot. Anyone know places/people that could build me one?


Active Member
Yeah its pretty easy to build one. Go out and get yourself a tank, cut some glass for baffles, glue them in and there ya go. If I can do it you can do it. But if you dont want to then ask your lfs.


Active Member
Nobody out there that builds sumps for people is going to be able to do it cheaper than a mass-produced model. It's like trying to save money on a new car by having it hand built.
You wouldn't want to have just any Joe-Blow do it either, you want a "pro" because a sump is something you can't afford to have fail on you.
I've built sumps and wet/dry filters before, and as expensive as they seem, it's surprising how expensive they are to build. The last sump I built I spent something like 140 bucks in materials, mimicing a design for a sump that sold for 170 or so online. That was for me personally; I'd have charged at least a couple hundred dollars for labor above that number if I was building it for someone else.
If you're really determined, there is one site I know online that makes custom sumps. I'll probably get my hand slapped for this, but google the word "melev" and you may find what you want.
Cartman makes a good point. If money is your only driver behind this, you can do it really cheap using old tanks, rubbermaid tubs, etc. I still have an old AGA 10 "sump" on one of my reefs.


Active Member
Glass tank, Glass baffles (cut be home improvment store), 100% silicone, masking tape, tape measure
Find a good design on here.
Inexpensive sump/fuge!


Hmm so it really isnt that tough?
Where could I find plans for a fuge/sump? I dont want to just stuff glass pieces in there and it not be good you know..any one know of a good setup I could copy off of?


Active Member
Its not really hard at all. I dont know what size your thinking about but
I just made 2 phone calls,
LFS, 48 x 18 x 20h 75g perfecto tank.........................................$ 95 + tax
LGlass Shop
4pcs. x 18 x 10 1/4 thick...........................................................$ 8.5 each = $ 34
2pcs. x 18 x 18 1/4 thick...........................................................$ 14 each = $ 28
Aquarium safe silicon....................................................around $ 10
Total.......................................................................................$ 167 + tax for a 75g sump/fuge
Home polishing the needed edges.............................................. free.
Even if you have to pay some more here or there
Of course measure the inside tank and order the glass just shy of that and you have a nice sump/fuge with 2 sets of over/under/over baffles, play with the measurements to suit your needs.


Active Member
Originally Posted by sonicboom1
Hmm so it really isnt that tough?
Where could I find plans for a fuge/sump? I dont want to just stuff glass pieces in there and it not be good you know..any one know of a good setup I could copy off of?
Can't do it right now but will be back! What size tank do you have? what size sump? What are the dimensions of the stand inside? Do you have an hob overflow or RR? You will also need a return pump. But I'm sure Dogstar/I can help you do it



Originally Posted by TurningTim
Can't do it right now but will be back! What size tank do you have? what size sump? What are the dimensions of the stand inside? Do you have an hob overflow or RR? You will also need a return pump. But I'm sure Dogstar/I can help you do it


Hey man thanks, take your time I still have to go get my stand and other items first anyways!
-I have a 55 gallon tank.
-I want to build a 30 gallon sump/fuge leaving extra room for overflow incase power outage.
-Im going to buy my stand in a few minutes, so ill post back
-I will have to buy a hang on back overflow..not sure gph I need yet, also need a return pump still
Thanks you 2!!


Ok I cant get it today because my mom has the tomorrow after school I will get the stand. The stand is a perfecto for a 55 gallon if you happen to know the dimensions now..other than that Im not sure until tomorrow.
Ill draw up something on paint to see if this will work brb
Also would it be better in anyway to drill my tank instead of a hob overflow? Not sure if there is a difference in performance or ease of balancing pump with overflow..


Active Member
sonic, are you sure a 30 will fit under the stand or are you talking about making one from scratch? I have an All-Glass stand that only has about 9" to play with under there. If you're going to build the sump, you may have to wait and put it in through the back of the stand before you place the tank on it. Or you could go with 2 separate tanks and join them under the stand. One for a fuge and one for sump skimmer. As far as OF's and pumps what do you want to keep in the tank.? This will determine what kind of flow you need.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Dogstar
Its not really hard at all. I dont know what size your thinking about but
I just made 2 phone calls,
LFS, 48 x 18 x 20h 75g perfecto tank.........................................$ 95 + tax
LGlass Shop
4pcs. x 18 x 10 1/4 thick...........................................................$ 8.5 each = $ 34
2pcs. x 18 x 18 1/4 thick...........................................................$ 14 each = $ 28
Aquarium safe silicon....................................................around $ 10
Total.......................................................................................$ 167 + tax for a 75g sump/fuge
Home polishing the needed edges.............................................. free.
Even if you have to pay some more here or there
Of course measure the inside tank and order the glass just shy of that and you have a nice sump/fuge with 2 sets of over/under/over baffles, play with the measurements to suit your needs.

Free info..... Priceless


Originally Posted by TurningTim
sonic, are you sure a 30 will fit under the stand or are you talking about making one from scratch? I have an All-Glass stand that only has about 9" to play with under there. If you're going to build the sump, you may have to wait and put it in through the back of the stand before you place the tank on it. Or you could go with 2 separate tanks and join them under the stand. One for a fuge and one for sump skimmer. As far as OF's and pumps what do you want to keep in the tank.? This will determine what kind of flow you need.

Yeah not to sure if the 30 will fit under there..I guess ill have to measure but I cant go until tomorrow because no suv..and I have a mr2 which is a 2 seater car haha. Building a tank from scratch just scares me...I dont know if I do it right/if it will leak thats why I dont want to build one..but I may have to somehow

The sump will go in my stand before I get my 55 on there, because I still have to switch my fish rock and sand to the 29 gallon and get lots more stuff..
I want to keep live rock, some fish, corals in there..people say HOB overflows might flood, and drilling a tank I dont know how its better/worse?


Active Member
Ahh! The old U-tubes don't work and they will flood the house! WRONG! If properly set up they will not break siphon period! It is imossible for them just to stop working! This design has been around for a long,long time and is tried and true. Some prefer CPR styles other prefer U-tubes. I don't trust CPR's but thats just me! I have had my U-tubes on the tank I have now going for over a year and a half without ever stopping and I live in an area of power outages through the summer. Before that I had several tanks (FW) set this way, never had a problem. Again the key is setting them up right from the start and no worries.
Are you going to use the 29? Maybe that may work with some mods to the stand!
If you want to drill I'm sure we can help.


Well drilling, I live down the street from a glass and mirror place which will do it..if not I have access to tools and shops that I can do it easily. My question just remains is there a gain doing it this way? Other then saving cash for a overflow. How does drilling work, does water just raise to the level of the pvc pipe/bulkhead thing then once it hits it just falls down? If so that seems like a better setup but I cant find pics of what it is!!
I just need to get my stand to see what fits, my coralife skimmer will work in sump 7inches deep someone said after I get my new pump, then maybe even a 40 tall would fit if skinnier?


Active Member
By drilling you are simply using the newly created holes (ports) as the overflow. You had it right, the water level raises to this point and then flows through the ports. Drilling glass can be tricky but dont be intimidated, just do your research before attempting it. With acrylic I have found it far less expensive to build it than to buy pre made. Price varies significantly from dealer to dealer, maybe thats why. Wish I had some photos or was closer to your location, Id show you how. There is more than enough information availible on the net on how to build small tanks. Really depends on how much you were planning on spending initially I suppose.


Cash isnt a concern, I mean I have it but yes I dont want to spend it all..
I have the abilityts to drill/get a tank drilled no problem. Maybe thats the way to go so I dont have to deal with HOB material at all and just have that? I guess the first order of business before I get to far ahead is to get my stand tomorrow to get measurements for everything so I can layout my design so my skimmer, tank etc.. fits down there.


Hey sonic, don't mean to jump in on your thread but I couldn't help notice that you are looking at setting up a 30 gal sump fuge as I am as well for my 75 gallon. I bought an E-Heim canister and found out last week how much of a pain they are. I don't have an overflow built in to my system so I'm in the same boat as you! Any help for me as well would be much appreciated! Those pictures up farther look awesome if I knew what to do with all the open parts and what goes where! Thanks for all your help guys and hopefully I can get mine set up as well!


The sump is really a simple design.. you can find many different plans online. I just got into the hobby and its the first one i have built and it works like a charm. The chamber design is very simple. The input from the tank enters on the right chamber, flows down and under that partition then up and over the second wall. The center part is for the skimmer and fuge if you desired. The water then overflows to the last chamber when the return pump sits and then back up to the tank.