Any take the GMAT before?


I thinking about going for an MBA and was wondering if anyone on here has taken the GMAT before. I took the GRE back in 2001 and I have heard that it is similar. Anyone have any advice for studying? Anyone know how long it takes to get your scores to the schools?


I took mine about 3 years ago and now I have 2 classes left to graduate. yyeeaaaa!!! I remember I just bought a study book, studied for about 3 weeks and went and took it. Some people spend a lot of money to take the classes but my feeling is that it is a waste of money. If I remember correctly you get your results instantly except for the 2 essay's you right and then they send you the results for that. The turnaround was pretty quick i think, it was a while ago so don't hold me to it. Good luck!!!


Thanks for the input ackermsb. I think I will do the same and buy a study book and take some practice tests. Did you go part time or full time in your program?


Active Member
I am going to take a stab in the dark and say he went part time if he started in 2001, a typical full-time Master's program will take approximately 2 years....


Yea I work full-time and go to school part-time. It has been quite taxing since I havent had a semester off in almost 3 years but I will finish summer session I. 6 weeks shy of three years, 2 classes per semester including summers. But it was great!!! It will be nice to finished but I like being forced to learn. Good luck in your endeavors!!!