any thoughts?


i have a 75 gallon hex in which has been set up for four months. i just cant get my numbers down. i am good on amon but my nitrites and nitrates and too high. i just did a 15 gallon water change and that isnt even helping, any thoughts on my problem?


how high are the nitrates?
how many fish if any do have in the tank?
how much and how often do you feed and what do you feed.>?
and what type of water do you use for topoffs.?
is water changes arent effecting it then it might be something from what you add to the tank. not usre need a little more info to narrow it down.


i have about 35 pounds of live rock, live sand, wet/dry, and a protein skimmer. i treat the top off water and feed twice a day, either flake of frozen as well as live black worms for my butterfly. i have two medium size fish and 8 small. i was cycled and now i just cant get the numbers down, just doesnt make any sense!


i treat the top off water
what type of water are you using tap-ro-ro/di?
if you are using tap water you might be adding nitrates to your tank everytime you add water. the best way to check is to make up some new water let it agae and airate over night and then test for them before adding to the tank.


its tap water that is treated. i will make sure from this point forward, i use ro or distilled. why would my nitrites still be so high though?


if your tap water has nitrates everytime you topoff or do a water change then you are adding them to the tank and unless you have macro algae or something consuming them they will continue to rise and if thats the case thats why your water changes arent having any effects on them because you are adding to the tank even after you tank some of them out.


thank you very much mike, would this problem also cause the nitrites to be up as well? your help is very much appreciated.
I am not saying it is definitely the cause but seems like an awful lot of fish. First thing I would try is to cut down to one feeding a day. maybe even every other day. I only feed my tank twice a week and everyone is fine. I would also say switch to the RO water.


if they are in the water yeah. but mostly nitrites show up after a ammonia soike of some sort. you might take a look through the rock and take pieces out and take a wiff and see if there is a rotting smell coming off of it if you cant find anything else decying in the tank. you might have to move the rocks around if there are dead spots in the tank and all the dieoff isnt all gone it can build up nitrates.
and NP thats why the board is here.


i would like to cut out some damsels, i cant catch the damn things! i will cut down the food as well. i guess in my head i think they need to eat twice a day which as you have mentioned is just not the case. i will not use treated tap anymore too. thanks mike!
I did not mean to imply that his tank was way overstocked. Just maybe a little on the heavy side. I figure if anything it is just being overfed. Once again even that is just a guess.


O yeah I know LOL and yeah that can cause some but I think the tap water is the culprit to the nitrate buildup. and overfeeding can raise them some so its probably a mix with the main being the water.


thanks, hey mike, any great ideas on how to get a few damsels out? i have tried everything, i cant move my rock, anything else i will try though?????


might try a fish trap I ahve heard some people having luck with them. but I always had to tear me tank apart to get them out. which really sucks.


thanks mike, what a pain! i am hoping not too. i will see what happens but i have to get two or three out, it can only help my cause. brian.