Originally Posted by tnt
We used to have a terrible problem with fleas. Our yard was infested with them. If you wore white socks out in the yard, you would see them jumping onto you. We had to have our yard sprayed. Fortunately, our friend was a "bug guy" and did it for the cost of chemicals.
If you want to see if they are in your house, place a white saucer on the carpet, fill it with water, and put a desk lamp next to it shining into the water. I know it sounds wierd, but by the next day you will see drowned little fleas in it if they are in your house. And, chances are if your dog has them, you now have them in your house.
We now use Frontline plus and haven't had a problem since. But I really think the key was spraying the yard. Good luck! I know how frustrating it can be.
Thanks, I am definitely going to get the yard sprayed SOON.