Any traders in CT/RI/MA???


New Member
Looking for some traders in CT/RI/MA. These boards are loaded with people in other parts of the country but rarely do I see anyone from the New England area. Email me if interested,, and please put Coral Traders in the subject. Hope to hear from everyone soon.


New Member
Have you tried looking on or They are two New England reef clubs where you can find people to trade with. If your willing to travel a little there is that usally trades alot to. Hope it helps...


cptrigger were r u from in ct, im guessing ur from ther cus u list all of the boardering states except for NY comment bak.


New Member
Actually from Newport RI right now. Looking for something that would be either close to travel to or not too expensive on the shipping rates to trade.


Active Member
I'm in Ct and just starting a reef tank. I have a kenya tree that will be ready to frag in about a week if you're interested. I also have some neon green zoos that i bought as a frag from lfs and has grown nicely.


New Member
Sounds good Ren. Little laid up from getting my wisdom teeth pulled today, but shoot me an email and we can try to hook up over the weekend or something. Just fragged my colt coral the other day and still needs a few more days to take hold. Let me know if you'd be interested.


Active Member
colt would be cool. my kenya isn't ready for fragging yet though and i have to work this weekend. maybe next weekend if the wife doesn't have plans. the zoos look like i can break a branch off at any time, but i'd like to read up on how to safely do this.
as for the wisdom teeth:
i just healed up from getting a bad root canal fixed. they had to cut my gums, drill my jaw, and snip off the top of my tooth's root--called an apaeel or something like that--to get the rest of the dead nervs out. was NOT fun being on the table for almost 3 hrs with just novacaine...


New Member
Sounds good about next weekend. I should be able to get some white star polyps done by then to if you want to do the kenya and zoos for the colt and stars, sounds like a good trade to me. We'll just have to find a place to get together over the weekend. Email me and we'll set up the time and place.