Any wrasse pics?


New Member
Hey, if any of you guys have wrasse pics could you plz show me them i'd like to see them because i'm gunna get a wrasse but i dont know which one to get! plz post any pic reef safe or not reef safe doesn't matter!



Active Member
Originally Posted by baytran7
sea grass, reef safe
nice! wierd though..
puffer i like the 1st pic of your wrasse. very nice


New Member
'Nice i really like that sea wrasse..never sean one of those thats tight.....more pics people!


Originally Posted by baytran7
sea grass, reef safe

OH MY GOD!!! what is this called? Sea Grass Wrasse? you have the scientific name for it? im defintely getting one! how big do they grow?


Sea Grass Wrasse - Novaculichthys macrolepidotus
Often mistaken as a ‘green variation’ of the juvenile Dragon Wrasse, the Sea Grass Wrasse is best known for being able to control flat worm, pyramid snail, montipora eating nudibranches. They are relatively peaceful and require sand to bury themselves in. Adults may harass small fishes or small ornamental shrimps. It is often seen in shades of light to dark green, brown, or black.
I have mine with fire shrimp, clams, snails and no predation or aggressive behavior towards other fish. I think this is one of those fish like the lawnmower blenny that is a must in aquariums due to their service and behavior. Here is another good wrasse
Melanurus Wrasse - Halichoeres melanurus

One of the best kept secrets in the hobby, the Melanurus Wrasse is one of the best problem solvers for Planaria flatworms in reef aquariums. Forget medications that can harm or damage your delicate motile invertebrates! The Melanurus Wrasse will consume flatworms and you will see the difference within a matter of a couple of days. Once the flatworms are gone you have an attractive, friendly fish that will readily adjust to a captive diet and frequent the water column with activity. There are definate differences in the sexes as the female has a spot on it's tail and the male lacks that spot.