anybody 4 a 12 pack


i believe i ordered 2=250's doubled ended with pc's and i'm going to run my two blue vho's. the reason i'm not real sure is that my boyfriend ordered them. and he kept changing his mind up to when he did order, we couldn't decide on the wattage or if we were going to go with 175's or 250's. i told him i would rather have 250's for my mind you that i don't know if there is a such a thing as two much lighting. if there is please let me know, i ordered three mh mounts , i can cut back on the lighting. and keep one as a spare. at any rate i got a very good deal, my lfs ordered the whole setup and it's costing 400.00 dollars. please tell me this is a deal. because from what i have read on here switching to mh's is very expensive. when my boy friend gets home i will ask him what we finilly ordered, ha ha . he's the electrician, and the plumber, i'm the lr and ls and coral and fish keeper. oh ya , i'm also the picture taker.


Active Member

Originally posted by tonya-sr
hey everyone, sorry i had to go out on the gulf of mexico this weekend. when i posted these pictures friday, my boyfriend came in and said lets go boating. so i'm back now and ready to answer those questions if you have any?
my tangs all get along great, my naso and my lopezi even sleep together in the same hole, when i was searching info on getting tangs, i came across a book that said you can put different species of tangs in together, but not of the same species, so i tried it, and it worked. i put them in at different times, and they all swim together and are buddies. people that i talk to say they can't believe it. and when i tell them that these guys have been in my tank together for almost three years, they really don't believe it. but there they are in the picture, happy little fish that are best friends, oh ya, the blue hippo and the yellow tang sleep together on the other side of the tank together.
if anyone has any ?'s please feel free to ask. and if i can help answer any more ?'s about my tangs just ask. and thank you all for just browsing.
thanks kpk, :notsure: why you called the lopezi tang, a vlamingi,

I mean like 4 in a 100?? that's 25gal.. average each



Originally posted by Fishman830
I mean like 4 in a 100?? that's 25gal.. average each

i don't understand what thats suposed to mean.
am i not suposed to have 4 tangs in a 100gal. becuase they have been in there for almost three years. and are doing great.


Active Member
Don't worry about the tangs. That is alot especially considering the tangs, but when they start to fight etc. you will have to get one or two out. The naso and lop will get way big. The lights sound like a good deal. I doubt they are de bulbs though for only $400.00 from the lfs. You will love 'em. You might have to get a chiller or a few fans...


thanks kpk, about the info on my tangs, and yes ,i'm about to set up another 100gal tank. i have an extra tank in the grauge, i had a 7 foot iguana in. she was my baby. but she got real sick and i had to put her to sleep, R.I.P. so what i'm planning on doing is taking my 560 watt VHO's and canopy and putting it on the other 100gal tank. and putting a new canopy with my new MH's on my reef.i have two four inch fans running on my reef now. and on the new one i'm going to install three ,four inch fans, do you think that will be enough? and the lfs where i get my stuff. the guy only does it as a hobby.he has a vedio store and he keeps saltwater fish there. he says he makes his money off the vedio's so he just gives me his prices, and pays for the shipping because he orders other things for himself. that is one cool guy:cheer: :cheer: :cheer: well i have to get off here right now, i have class tonight, but when i get home i will be back on line. and thank you for helping me, i will have a few more ???'s tonight when i ask my boyfriend what we finilly ordered, so i will talk to you later.


Active Member
That'll be cool to setup another tank for fish only or something. Maybe put a couple of those tangs it if you want. The metal halides are a whole lot hotter than vhos believe me. I have 2x6" fans and my house at 73 or so running like 80 degrees in my tank. I am gonna have to put a window unit in I think this summer and make it come on when my tank lights do, with the doors shut. I really want a chiller, but don't have the money after the lights, lol. Alot of the heat if from powerheads and pumps too.
Thats cool you have someone to get stuff cheap through. I actually got some stuff this weekend, here is the link on I am prowd of my new stuff as you can tell.


hey kpk, back from class now, anyway here is the info on my new MH's. 2-250 watt 10,000 degree K lamps with reflectors. we opt for 2- ice cap MH ballasts instead of the common large dual ballast. we did this because the dual ballast runs alot warmer than the ice caps. and we have 2-4 inch fans and will be adding two more for a total of 4 fans. we will maintain the two VHO attinic flo lamps. all this mounted in our highrise canopy. we understand that we will need to moniter the temp. the MH's setup is costing $550.00 retro kit. we going to start the MH's a half hour at mid-day and add a half hour per week. any advice????



Originally posted by nicky1.8t
just to keep you in check ..there watching

nicky1.8t whats the big deal with the tang police? is there some tang law that i don't know about?
my tangs are only about 3 inches long. when they're touching shoulder to shoulder we might give them a bigger playing field to explore. what size ocean should we be thinking about????


Active Member
Hey tonya sounds like a good setup, have heard good things about the icecaps. I got the dual 250w pfo hqi ballast with se 14k bulbs (if I haven't already told you that). I would be sure and try to keep them about 10" off the water. When I built my hood I thought I had it figured to be 8" off the water, but When I got the huge sockets they hung down alot further than planned and are about 5 1/2" off the water! Just keep an eye on it, and kinda depends on the temp of your house.
Don't worry about the tang thing. It is too small for all 4, but you say they are doing good. So be it. Leave them alone til they fight, or get aggressive.


thanks for the insight about the height of the canopy, and ya i'm to worried about my tangs, they are playing hide and seek, follow the laeder, and who can eat the most food first. ha ha . and have you ever burned your arm on the MH lights while reaching into the tank, would it be advisable to wear asbestos sleeves, ha ha .
thanks again,
ps don't tell EPA about my asbestos sleeves.:D


:D :jumping: waterfaller, i am so glad that the leather is doing great! i was going to call you today and see how every thing was going. i was wandering if it has started to sprout little baby fingers yet? i'm going to send bang guy a frag soon, i hope he likes it . i have been looking for a coaco worm like yours, but i haven't had any luck yet. but i'm not going to give up the search, one thing i've learned in this hobby, is you got to be patiant.:rolleyes: but i think most of us know, that it is hard to be patiant, because were looking for the perfect coral or fish to make our tanks complete. but i have found out that it will never be complete for me, unless i just stay away from my lfs place, and i find i can't do that either
thanks again for letting me know how the fl is doing. oh, did you see that i'm getting my new mh's friday, i wanted to ask you about how long should i turn them on for the first time, i was thinking about a half an hour ervery day for the first week, then adding another half hour the following week, and continue this till i get it up to eight hours a day. do you think that will be ok? and can you give me some input on this? or anyone else who may be kind enough to let me know what they did, when first introducing there tank to mh's. i would appreciate any information at all.
thank you
did you see my emerald crab (big guy), he lives in and under my elegance, it doesn't seem to bother the elegance at all.


Active Member
Hey tonya, I am just leaving the halides on 3 hrs a day and going up an hour every 4 days or so. Nothing has seemed to be irritated yet. I know where you can get a coco worm. My email is



Originally posted by bsktmom
What is pictured in #2. Thanks...

# 2 picture is my pinked tip ricordeas mushrooms.
thanks kpk for the complement on my ric's, i will e-mail you after while, somethings wrong with my e-mail, have another computer on the way. but won't be here till tonight afteri get out of class.