anybody a fan of zombie movies? :)


Just seeing if anybody else on here like zombie movies...
I went to this thing called Texas Frightmare Weekend today, which was basically a horror movie convention. I got to get George Romero's autograph!! And I took a pic with him! I'm really pumped because he has a new zombie movie coming out later this year!


Active Member
Heck yeah, we have the whole Romero series, except with the Night in color since my boyfriend hated black and white, Dawn of the Dead remake, 28 Days Later, you name it we have it, actually was just watching Dawn yesterday. That's awesome that you got to meet Romero!


Zombie movies are my favorite Horror movies! The 90ish remake of Night of the Living Dead happens to be my favorite with the remake of Dawn coming in a close second. Damn they did that remake well! That last remake, (was it Day of the Dead?) with Dennis Hopper just kind of sucked to me... Go figure.
Try a book called World War Z by a guy named Brooks. I can't remember his first name but he happens to be Mel Brook's son. Good book and I expect somebody to turn it into a movie, at least I hope so.


Active Member
Army of Darkness = best movie EVAR!
i love scary movies but zombies movies are usually more funny than scary.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Adairable
Shaun of the dead....all time favorite!

I was thinking the same thing. It's one of my all time faves!!!!


yeah, shaun of the dead is freakin awesome!! Romero's movies are my absolute favorites though!! I was totally pumped that he was there! He was really nice! I waited in line for TWO HOURS for his autograph, so I was really glad that he wasn't a jerk, and that he posed for a pic with me. My bro went with me, and got Tom Sevini's autograph too, but he said Sevini was kind of a jerk...oh well. I can't wait for Romero's new movie to come out!


If you like zombies, chances are you'd like The Zombie Survival Guide, a tongue-in-cheek (but oddly well-thought-out) outline of what to do and what not to do in case of zombie infestation.
It, like World War Z
, is by Max Brooks, Mel Brooks' son.