anybody else have a............?


Active Member
im back and i coulndt b happier lol
i went into my LFS and i said i wanna trade this fish now!!! they were like no no no and i was like if u dont take this fish ima sell it right in front of ur store
and they were like ok ok wat do u want for it i was like make me a offer or a good trade
and i guees the guy that was workin there was a little slow
so he was like ok ill give u a flagfin angel for it
i saw this fish and i was like dam this guy must b dumb! it was the same size as the clown(wich was 30 dollars) that i gave up but it was 80 dollars so i was like ok and i took it lol!! its so beautiful its acclimating as we speak


there is a b&W perc. I have one. They have a yellow mouth and their fins are yellow at the tip, as opposed to the B&W saddleback that has no yellow, and the B&W oscellaris that have an orange mouth and orange-tipped fins.
and it's possible he's hosting, but if he's hurting your more peaceful fish, i support your decision to remove him. BUT IMO, adding another clown will cause the same problem. So look for something different. Thanks!!!


Active Member
lol u shouldve read the post b4 u lol
i wasnt goin to get another clown to me clowns r sappose to be orange or red which i have one, i only really want one lol but i got a flagfin angel for it
:joy: :joy:


Active Member
its a 55
i know the angel might b to big for the tank but hey it was free lol who would turn down the oppertunity to take a free 80 dollar fish home lol
if it out grows my tank i got a nieghbor wit a 250 gallon and hes a cool guy so heel probably wind up takin it but that will b in like 2 years lol


Active Member


Active Member
well here they are.... pics of my new baby!! srry the pics r kinda off (rember no lights on while introducing new fish) wen the lights go on ill take more pics



I have heard of foks using a collander or one of those green fresh small frujit plastic containers like strawberries etc come in to confine a bully fish when they introduce a more meek type fish, so the meek introduction has a chance to get acquainted with the tank territory. Supposedly by confining the bully for a week or so makes it once again have to find its niche in the pecking order or territory ownership.


Active Member
Originally Posted by GSD
I have heard of foks using a collander or one of those green fresh small frujit plastic containers like strawberries etc come in to confine a bully fish when they introduce a more meek type fish, so the meek introduction has a chance to get acquainted with the tank territory. Supposedly by confining the bully for a week or so makes it once again have to find its niche in the pecking order or territory ownership.
so wheres the rude comment? well why cant you give good advice to everyone and not to anly some? :mad:


Active Member
i dont think any comments r rude i think there helpful i was thing about using a lil cyclinder but i dont like them so i bought this net cage for only 3 dollars


Active Member
Originally Posted by saltn00b
nice fish, but you might want to consider losing the background.....

What's wrong with the background? :notsure:


Originally Posted by bill109
so wheres the rude comment? well why cant you give good advice to everyone and not to anly some? :mad:
Well Bill109, I really do not want to disrupt this thread just to appease you, but just so you know, I reserve all my bad advice just for your posts anymore since your so deserving of it.
My appologies for getting off topic here.
It would even be easy to make a cage out of egg crate since it is styrene plastic, is easy to cut and easy to glue up. Would provide lots of flow through capability.


Active Member
Originally Posted by bill109
so wheres the rude comment? well why cant you give good advice to everyone and not to anly some? :mad:

Now now, no need to go looking for an argument...


i agree.. coming into a thread just to provoke someone is not mature, or desired, so if you want to start a fight, make a new thread for it...
and namine, i think the background is too distracting. Although it is very beautiful, it takes away from the beautiful fish he has. My eye went right to the sweet corals, and not to the purpose of the tank: his fish.


Active Member
IMO backgrounds dont look good on SW tanks, unless they are solid blues or blacks, but in that case you are better off painting the back of the tank....