Anybody Else See Jake Browns Fall???


Active Member
Originally Posted by huskychasrs
You obviously have great respect for human life. Never mind death, let's see who can do the coolest McTwist!!!


I was at the Rock after Dale died.
The show must go on.


Active Member
Originally Posted by huskychasrs
I was at the Rock after Dale died.
The show must go on.
Like I said, racing is different. Motorsports has already had to deal with drivers dying. I just wonder how skateboarding is going to deal with it.


Two days later me and my crew had to strap back into one of these C-5s without any explanation as to why one just crashed. Life goes on.


Originally Posted by rbaldino
Like I said, racing is different. Motorsports has already had to deal with drivers dying. I just wonder how skateboarding is going to deal with it.
Why? because a driver is in a cage?


Active Member
Originally Posted by huskychasrs
Two days later me and my crew had to strap back into one of these C-5s without any explanation as to why one just crashed. Life goes on.
Whatever. That has virtually nothing to do with the discussion. If skateboarders start dying left and right at competitions, they could very well be shut down, or become ghoulish for fans. Either way, it may very well be something the sport is going to have to deal with one day.


Active Member
Originally Posted by huskychasrs
Why? because a driver is in a cage?
Dude, pay attention. Dying has long been associated with racing. The sport has had to deal with it, fans have had to accept it. It's long been a part of the game, and a risk that almost everyone involved has been willing to take. The X-Games has not had to deal with it. How fans, promoters, etc. will react to it is still an unknown.


The show will go on.
It makes money, that is why it draws competitors.
Don't believe the I'll race/run/punch for a plastic trophy without a payday at the end hype.
Why did ESPN play up Brown's fall all night long? Nothing more than ratings and he didn't seem to mind too much being played by ESPN.


I saw the video and it was a crazy fall. I am mad though, I have missed both nights so far. Im gunna have to make sure I catch it tomorrow...or tonight...its early.
You guys may continue.


Ok I'm not going to look up any skateboarding stat. or any racing stats for death tolls.
Dollars to doughnuts if that kid would've died ESPN would find a way to pull some ratings out of it.
He lived, so they still worked the angle to pull ratings.


Active Member
Originally Posted by huskychasrs
The show will go on.
It makes money, that is why it draws competitors.
Don't believe the I'll race/run/punch for a plastic trophy without a payday at the end hype.
Why did ESPN play up Brown's fall all night long? Nothing more than ratings and he didn't seem to mind too much being played by ESPN.
You're missing my point. If someone dies, or lots of people start dying, the sport could get a bad rap. Fans may get turned off, venues could stop wanting to host it, tv could stop wanting to show it, the government could step in and stop it. Remember, this is skateboarding, which is supposed to be good, clean fun. It's not supposed to turn into a bloodsport. No one knows how the sport will react/change if death becomes involved and familiar.


Active Member
Originally Posted by huskychasrs
Ok I'm not going to look up any skateboarding stat. or any racing stats for death tolls.
Dollars to doughnuts if that kid would've died ESPN would find a way to pull some ratings out of it.
He lived, so they still worked the angle to pull ratings.
You're probably right. That could work one time, maybe several. See above for more.


Call your Congressman with your concerns.
Kids have fallen off bikes,skateboards,rollerblades,heelies..etc. Some live some die.
So nobody does any kind of extreme skateboarding or maybe we should ban skateboarding period.
Just in-case some-one wants to do a board-flip.
You can't have it both ways.
Apparently neither the competitors nor ESPN have any worries about the safety of the X Games, nor any company who insures the competitors.


Originally Posted by rbaldino
You're missing my point. If someone dies, or lots of people start dying, the sport could get a bad rap. Fans may get turned off, venues could stop wanting to host it, tv could stop wanting to show it, the government could step in and stop it. Remember, this is skateboarding, which is supposed to be good, clean fun. It's not supposed to turn into a bloodsport. No one knows how the sport will react/change if death becomes involved and familiar.
So complain to someone that cares that kids need not be on 50' high half pipes.


Active Member
Originally Posted by huskychasrs
So complain to someone that cares that kids need not be on 50' high half pipes.
I wasn't complaining. This all started because I didn't think Burnquist made a classy move, and I stated right there that I knew that would be a minority opinion. I just expanded on the idea and decided to discuss the ramifications of potential death in the X-Games. Everyone else jumped on me and acted like I said the thing should be shut down. Besides, you're just pissed about the other thread, and you decided to go trolling.


Active Member
Originally Posted by rbaldino
You're missing my point. If someone dies, or lots of people start dying, the sport could get a bad rap. Fans may get turned off, venues could stop wanting to host it, tv could stop wanting to show it, the government could step in and stop it. Remember, this is skateboarding, which is supposed to be good, clean fun. It's not supposed to turn into a bloodsport. No one knows how the sport will react/change if death becomes involved and familiar.
wow... i really think that your view is skewed... the kid is a professional... he has done things that baffle the common person... he has wreched SEVERAL times which i am sure means he understands the risk every single time he drops in... check out one of his youtube videos...
saying that its just okay for a racecar driver to die because its accepted and has happened it auto sports is not okay with me at all either... why do you think they continually modify body styles and implement new devices to make the sport safer for the drivers... a 3rd base coach for the Marlins died recently from being struck with a ball that was hit right at him... did they stop the game... nope...
so Adam Jones (who won the Moto X freestyle today) should have not made his run because Jeremy Lusk wiped out in their head to head match up??? Jeremy Lusk went on to take third but perhaps they should have given him gold because he failed his trick...


Active Member
Originally Posted by ruaround
saying that its just okay for a racecar driver to die because its accepted and has
Please point out where I said it's "okay" for a racecar driver to die? I said it's an accepted part of the sport, a part that drivers, teams and fans have spent decades dealing with and collectively agreed that they can tolerate, up to a point.
I should point out that a lot of you sound like you think it's okay if a skater gets killed.


Active Member
Originally Posted by rbaldino
Racing is another matter altogether. Death is almost expected and accepted.

Originally Posted by rbaldino

Dude, pay attention. Dying has long been associated with racing. The sport has had to deal with it, fans have had to accept it.
i am a race fan and dont expect it or accept it...