Anybody else smell smoke??


Active Member
I'm between the Fallbrook fire, the San Marcos fire, the Rancho Bernardo fire and the Del Mar fire.....
and I smell smoke BIG TIME!

The sky overhead has been clear all day, but smoke bellows to the north, south and east.
I experienced 3 GALLONS
of evaporation in 24 hours. (55 gal tank)
There is a film of ash on everything...indoors and out....and my xenias are looking sickly. I'm going to start fresh carbon tomorrow and do a few water changes.
Anybody else down here online tonight?


Im not anywhere near you guys there but I will be praying for that area . it seems to be pretty bad there, good luck and best wishes.


Active Member
I don't have TV, but radio reports some 250,000 + people displaced and hundreds of homes and buildings burnt in SD county alone. I drove my wife to LAX this morning and the smoke was pretty intense in Irvine and even some flames visible from the I-5/405 split. If the Santa Annas don't let up they say this might push all the way to the coast. (I hear it's already getting close in Solana Beach and Del Mar)
ps...a big thanks for the prayer


Active Member
dang socal... i feel for that area bro... and i hope it doesnt affect em too mch longer!!! i hope you dnt have to be evacuated either man!!! WTF is up with a fall fire???


Active Member
Originally Posted by ruaround
dang socal... i feel for that area bro... and i hope it doesnt affect em too mch longer!!! i hope you dnt have to be evacuated either man!!! WTF is up with a fall fire???
We don't get much rain here from June through November.
2 years ago we had record rainfall leading to growth of underbrush.
This year we are way below average for rainfall so all the vegetation died and became fuel.

I heard that some Idaho firefighters were spotted on their way down here...thanks. Thanks to the Arizona guys, too... and all the firemen fighting these fires.


Active Member
i heard Idaho fire fighters were on their way too... nothin Cali firefighters and smokejumpers haven done for us!!!
wish you and yours the best!!!


Active Member
Thanks, R U
I noticed Scotts hasn't posted since yesterday morning. Thousand Oaks isn't too far from Malibu and I heard reports of other fires in Ventura county. I hope they're OK as well.


Active Member
DANG!!! i wish Scotts the best as well!!! it isnt like him to not post atleast once!!! i hope all is well!!!


Active Member
Well, I just found a map that includes my locale in their "estimated advisory evacuation" area. What on God's green earth does that mean? Gov"t officials need a course in plain english.
No reverse 911 call yet so I guess I'm OK.


Active Member
my family lives in San Juan Capistrano. well i lived with them to but right now im up at college in idaho. ive been worried sick about all of those people down near malibu and SD. i know a kid up here whos family had to evacuate there home. very scary being away from my family when they are going through this


Originally Posted by socal57che
Well, I just found a map that includes my locale in their "estimated advisory evacuation" area. What on God's green earth does that mean? Gov"t officials need a course in plain english.
No reverse 911 call yet so I guess I'm OK.

it means in the near future a evacuation order will likely be issued for your start taking your preparory actions so when the evacuation order is issued you will be ready to go.
its a bad situation over there my best wishes for everyone!!
stay safe.


Active Member
Hey all! Thanks for the worries but so far so good(KNOCK ON WOOD!). It is 3:30 in the morning and I can't sleep, have a nose bleed and just plain feel yucky!
For those of you not here in the area let me give you my synopsis. The Santa Ana winds are blowing which are strong winds from the desert. So it is hot, dry and windy. The humidity is around 7%, the winds are pretty much the worst they have been in a long time. Yesterday Arnold gave a news conference around 11 in the morning and said there were 7 fires and he heard an 8th just started, Now there are at least 12 to 14. I heard of a fire starting yesterday by Magic Mountain around 2:30 and by 3:00 had grown to 50 acres, As of 8:00 last night it was around 1,000 acres.
SoCal I have to admit I am worried about you and the Rancho Bernardo fire. I understand the no TV thing, but man am I a news junky at times like this. Love to see the fire fighters in the backyard of a house and save the house from burning. (The home saving part, not the fires burining up to someones houses part) But then again that is all they have time to do right now is save structures, then on to the next one. No time to actually try and contain the fire.
Well this is long winded, so I guess I better try and get some more sleep now.


Active Member
Originally Posted by socal57che
Well, I just found a map that includes my locale in their "estimated advisory evacuation" area. What on God's green earth does that mean? Gov"t officials need a course in plain english.
No reverse 911 call yet so I guess I'm OK.

I am guessing that means get packing and ready to go in an instant. And for heavens sake, watch your back........literally.
I guess you would take a basement run right about now?? I know I would.


Active Member
Do I smell smoke ? Nope not here in NewYork State. But that's terrible the fires are going wild. Be safe ...


Active Member
I think i saw it on Jimmy Kimmel, where the media is unfortunately causing a less sympathetic America due the the fact seeing all of the multi million dollar homes and home owners and celebrities getting and watching their houses go up in smoke. Saying "well know they gotta go out and by another one"


Active Member
i would get your tank all prepped and ready to go, incase you have to leave in a moments notice. make sure you have it set so that if you are away for a week or so, it will be ok (it should be)- evap is the only thing i can thing of to worry about, unless you have an auto-top off.


Active Member
Hi all.
Definitely more smoke this morning, but winds are gone in our area. No evac. yet for us. Camp Pendleton announced skeleton crew last night and advised families on certain parts of the base to prepare for possible evacuation. Local radio has awesome coverage and are taking calls from people connecting them to help and giving first hand accounts of traffic and such.

Air quality is poor so I'm heading out to pick up some painter's masks. Thanks for all the kind words, guys.


Active Member
Originally Posted by MiaHeatLvr
I think i saw it on Jimmy Kimmel, where the media is unfortunately causing a less sympathetic America due the the fact seeing all of the multi million dollar homes and home owners and celebrities getting and watching their houses go up in smoke. Saying "well know they gotta go out and by another one"
That's too bad. I know that a lot of Average Joes are without homes and have lost everything.