Anybody Ever Witnessed or Heard OF.....

Someone who have kept two miniatus in the same tank successfully?

Im thinking it takes two to make babies.

I saw this sweet looking 6 inch miniatus at LFS and thats all I can think about. Sadly I have an almost 5 inch miniatus already in tank. I can't find another fish I really like.


Active Member
Forget about it. My 5-8" killed a tusk, tried to kill a yellow tang and had to be removed. Nasty Pred.
2 would be a holy war! or a


Active Member
I would agree with the above, they would not be likely to tolerate each other, which is unfortunate. Groupers are very cool fish with alot of personality the down side is you can't keep much with them, especially miniatus.


i'm going to hitchhike on this thread...
I have a fuzzy lion in a 75 gal. and a miniatus is definately on my list. any ideas on one other fish i can keep with the two? thanks!


Active Member
Originally Posted by cjennings1
i'm going to hitchhike on this thread...
I have a fuzzy lion in a 75 gal. and a miniatus is definately on my list. any ideas on one other fish i can keep with the two? thanks!
IMO, a 75 is way too small for even one grouper. a miniatus can easily reach 12-14".
To gonefishcrazy: How big is your tank? Your miniatus is still a baby and (to my knowledge), no grouper has ever successfully spawned in captivity. Very, very few SW fish ever have. I've always thought, if there's enough room, that a porcupine puffer (personality plus) was a great tankmate for a grouper. With some exceptions, most of the larger , aggressive fish can be kept with groupers. Triggers, large angels, puffers, large tangs, etc. Some groupers, especially, when they are put in first, can be very territorial (the whole tank can be their territory) and you really have to watch any newcomer.


Active Member
I would definitely not try to risk two miniatus in the same tank unless it were 500-1000 gallons. There will be way too much aggression in a small tank.