Anybody got pics of a 48"x24"x24" tanks


Active Member
im looking to set one of these up, and wud like to see some pics so i can start to visualize everything....


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by grubsnaek http:///t/387472/anybody-got-pics-of-a-48-x24-x24-tanks#post_3409767
im looking to set one of these up, and wud like to see some pics so i can start to visualize everything....
What is that??? a 48" 100g?
I have a 90g...real close, my tank is only 18 inches deep instead of 24" My tank is pretty empty of coral, I'm just starting to add more so be kind... but here are some pictures I just took...It's not a perfect match for your tank, but I hope it helps you to visualize some.



Active Member
it is a 120g tank I just bought a used one and might set up this weekend or pic would be of it on my garage floor


You have the 48" 120 gal, but here's our 48" x 24" x 20" (100 gal):

Pumbing (yes, there's a typo on "returns"):

I absolutely LOVE this footprint...great aquascaping possibilities, and lots of "turnaround" room for the lionfish.


We bought our tank used, buffed it out (talk about a PITA), and had our acylic tankbuilder do some cleanup work on it, drill the holes, and add the external O/F. Since the tank is for larger fish, we had him put a 1/2" slot in the back to feed the O/F:
