Anybody got Puffer Fish?


Active Member
Im begining setting up my 45g tank with a mix of aragonite sand, and a mix of Arga-Alive Sand and some live rock. Now I know puffers are not reef-safe so i cant use any shrimp or crabs or snails or cucumbers or that correct? What kinds of fish does a Puffer Fish do well with bc they are my favorite and I must have one in my tank so its going to revolve around him :joy: . I wanted to possibly throw in A Niger Trigger and or a snowflake eel, but i need some advice. So what would go best with a porcupine Puffer? And are their any invertabrates specifally they would not eat?

clown boy

Active Member
I saw a tank once that had a porcupine puffer, a clown trigger, a red scooter blenny, and a damsel. I liked the color combination.


Active Member
hey thanks man, anybody else with more info please post, i need any and all suggestions.


Active Member
Dave says it best right here. Your tank is much too small for either of those fish. You would need at least a 200 to house them comfortably.
I would look into getting a small dwarf puffer. They would do excellent in your tank and can be mixed with a lot of other fish.


New Member
I have my baby porc ( 2 inch) in a 90 gallon right now.
He is in there with a midas blenny, 2 cleaner shrimp, and 1 CBS
For now, he hasnt eaten any of the shrimp .. yet lol but he has killed off my Turbo snail population overnight =
I did happen to see one of the cleaner shrimp pick his mouth out once, but who knows, he might eat them one day.


Fish from the wrasse family do well with puffers. Like the Harlequin Tusk Wrasse, or the Greenbird Wrasse.
My Harlequine Tusk wrasse and my Greenbird wrasse get along great with my Dog Face puffer. So does the Foxface fish as well. They all get along fine.


Active Member
i have a 9" golden puffer and a 6" porcy, They get along fine but they are in a 210, so they have plenty of space and no issues.
It is actually kinda funny to watch my golden get his butt whooped by my 7" hippo(they dont hurt each other). my hippo will actually chase my golden into the corner, but the golden always starts it, every once in a while he likes to play king of the tank, its funny to watch a 9" puffer run away from a hippo tang!


I have a puffer in my fish-only tank with a niger trigger and a cubicus. I have had these fish for 4 years now. They are great and they all have the cutest personalities. My trigger moves everything around in the tank. He is very territorial. He will even bite me when I am doing water changes - it doesn't really hurt but he scared the crap out of me so my husband runs interference for me. They will eat your inverts though. The value of research before you buy and set up your tank is everything. When I first started my tank I had 2 clowns, damsels, and a hippo tang in with these guys. Everything went fine until the trigger got territorial and one morning I woke up to find one of my clowns half gone. That is when I finally started my reef. So now my clowns and tang have a reef tank to live in and I left my puffer, trigger and cubicus in the tank. I would like to put my tank but they are not suppose to be reef safe.


Active Member
This is a bit off topic, but you can never eally trust a wild animal like a trigger.
One of the show judges I knew raised a Clown Trigger for over 10 years in a 150. It won 7 best of shows in one year. It was HUGE. Anyways, he liked to feed him by hand all the time. One day when he was scraping the tank, he knocked his net in. He reached in to grab it, and the trigger bit his arm off. :scared: :scared: :scared: :scared: There was actually still some muscle and tendons connecting it but the bone was totally gone. He's got steel rods for the bone now.


Active Member
Toby puffer (hawaiian spotted, valentini) will do well in a tank that size and dont get that big. Snow flake eel will do fine in that tank for a while as long as you get a relatively small one. Scratch off the trigger. As for other aggressive fish for that size tank and with those fish a maroon clown should be compatible and well as several species of dwarf angels. Flame Hawkfish probably fits that category as well (bold fish that dont need large tanks).