anybody gotten a sick fish?


Active Member
I am thyinking about ordering a pair of clownfish from this website but I am not sure if a quarentine is required. has anyone ever recieved a fish from SWF that has been sick? or does anyone know if they quarentine there fish? ty
the way i look at it, if your investing MONEY in this hobby, and you know how sensitive these animals are,then the most important thing to have is a quarantine tank, the most important tool to have, it doesn't matter who,where,ect,,. your responsible for caring and quarantining your fish,corals,invers,etc,,.if you put all the time,money,etc into it, then you should have your own quarantine tank to be safe. the way i think of it, a serious reefer never returns anything.


Active Member
Originally Posted by fedel castro
the way i look at it, if your investing MONEY in this hobby, and you know how sensitive these animals are,then the most important thing to have is a quarantine tank, the most important tool to have, it doesn't matter who,where,ect,,. your responsible for caring and quarantining your fish,corals,invers,etc,,.if you put all the time,money,etc into it, then you should have your own quarantine tank to be safe. the way i think of it, a serious reefer never returns anything.

Well said.