Anybody have freshwater pics?


Active Member
Originally Posted by BadBoyJ
I like that pond!!!

Thank you, I wanted to have a formal pond. It houses 6 goldfish and is so much fun to sit and watch the fish in the evening when I feed them. It is 375 gal.


8in oscar

the white/black one is in a 55 bow, with a dempsey and a convict.

green one got HITH, i couldnt get it healed in time =[
ill get pics of my 75 cichlid tank tomorrow


Active Member
i really like the loaches in the 3rd pic they have great color to did u post these pics....i will get a few shots of my ciclid tank


i have a buddy that is a chiclid breeder. he has an amazing amount of tanks.
1 240
2 125
2 130
2 90
18 75
6 55
20 0r so tanks 20's and 10's for the babies. he just got 4 40 gallon breeders
and for some reason he found a guy that is selling or thinking about selling 24
65 gallons.
and i thought that us sw people were obsessed.


Active Member
Originally Posted by grubsnaek
im still a huge fan of oscars.
I am as well, my first fish was an oscar, i had him for almost 10 years, when he died I made the switch to salt, but I have had the itch to get another oscar, luckily my 6 yr old son's favorite fish are oscars, so I told my wife I just "had to" pick up a 75 to get him started, now I see the full scope of my addiction, even the children arent safe, and are used as pawns in this twisted game.


Active Member
alittle history for ya, my 125DT that is salt water now once held all at one time the following.
7" red oscar
7" tiger oscar
9" albino tiger oscar
2 foot thats rite 2 foot south american red tail catfish
5" jack dempsey
1.5 foot arrowanna
the arrowanna was 4" big when i got it, and the rest were no bigger than an inch. still do this day i cannot and have tried to recreate this. just dont happen. i dont know what i did for them to get so massive, i mean the catfish alone when he would stretch his jaw, you could easily fit a soft ball in his mouth. these thing were huge. i feed them live gold fish, thawded out shrimp, the catfish would hand feed whole pieces of chicken cutlet. these things were serious. then one day, BANG tank crashed never could replicate it.


i just love the fact that you can have like 50 freshwater fish in a 50 gallon, but in a saltwater 100 you get told your overstocked at 8 fish.
another goodthing about freshwater