Anybody have pictures of their small tanks?


I'd be really interested (and probably others as well) in seeing your smaller tanks. Post your pics if you got 'em!


Active Member
I have
Favia ( plate coral )
moon rock ( favite I think )
pagoda cup coral
3 sp. of M. capricornus
A few M. digitata
7 or 8 acropora sp.
squamosa clam
corcea clam
I think that's about it, give or take. I run a 250HQI lamp on it, so it gets plenty of light :)

brooklyn johnny

Active Member
Here's my 10 gallon... If you would like to see more there is an entire thread titled "pics of my kitchen nano" on the first page in the reef tanks section...
Josh... by the way sweet tank


Active Member
The kitchen tank makes a return! Great colors in that tank Johnny!! I think you will agree, the nice thing about having a small (ish) tank is that frags looks huge in them :D
I'm in a picture mood so here's
the reef at night

What a life, hanging out all day with the clams :)

brooklyn johnny

Active Member
I agree... there is a LFS here that sells acro frags for $5... but as we nanos call them... colonies :D... it is much easier to fill the tank up...


Awsome long did it take you set them up? Did you start with fish then decided on reef? What type of filtration do you use? I know the lighting is very important. I have a 20 high which I could change to reef. I have a maroon clown w/host anenome and a Trigger I could move to my 75 fowlr.


very cool!
Dindi, do you have pics of your 20H? That's the size tank I'm going to be starting up. ..would love to see it!


No I don't. It started out as a QT but nothing got sick and I didn't buy any new fish so I got a little Niger Trigger (I know he will grow!) and a large maroon clown w/host anenome just to give it some life, it's in my kitchen and I'm there all the time so I thought it would b nice. Not impressive just some dead corals bought at lfs and barnecles with some, ug, black gravel. After looking here I'm gonna buy some ls and fix her up. It's been up and running for 10 mos now great water conditions. I do have dig camera though


Active Member
My tank? yes. Two green chromis. 8 various hermits and 4 snails. Planning on getting a LF job so ill be adding more once i do.....
Here's a fish pic


Active Member
Change of perspective. The last one didn't have a flash this one does..... Very different colors with and without flash.