Anybody in Jacksonville, FL?

what's happening I'm new to the forum wanna see who all is in my area down here in jacksonville, FL. Are there any kind of saltwater clubs out there? And which LFS do u go to? I like bio-reef


I live in Georgia about 30 mins N of Jax. I'm not in any clubs or anything and I usually shop at Ocean Reef on Atlantic Blvd. It's kinda small but they have a pretty good selection of livestock/coral and it's not a "*****" type store. Where is Bio-Reef located?
Originally Posted by NYyankeees
I live in Georgia about 30 mins N of Jax. I'm not in any clubs or anything and I usually shop at Ocean Reef on Atlantic Blvd. It's kinda small but they have a pretty good selection of livestock/coral and it's not a "*****" type store. Where is Bio-Reef located?

Oh ok you must be in st. mary's kingsland area I be up thru there all the time...I'm originally from brunswick, ga...yeah i like going to ocean reef too they got a pretty cool store it's just that bio-reef is closer to my house and it's not a "petsmart" type store either it's strictly saltwater aquariums. It's located down beach blvd just past 9A across from the FCCJ campus out there. So what kind of tank do you have whats in it? I just started a 100 gallon reef that has 2 clowns, engineer goby, coral banded shrimp, lawnmower blenny, emerald crab, lots of snails and hermits, sand sifting star, brittle star, 2 anemones, pulsing xenia, and small polyps, and a few mushrooms.


Active Member
I'm over in St. Johns. Bio-Reef is the best LFS in the area. I've known the owner and guys in the shop for over 10 years. Great staff and John is tops. I don't do anything with clubs either. I think there are a few small ones around but I'm not sure.
yeah they are pretty nice although i bought a yellow tang from them and 6 days later it was belly up i was so hurt. :( but i figure it was something on my end. They have a beutiful setup out there


Active Member
That can happen with anyone as I'm sure you already know. A little history on Bio-reef. Jack (the owner) used to have a nice shop in one of the strip malls. He sold his store and just kept his maintenance business which he ran out where he is now. That is why it is off the beaten path. From what I understand, the lack of a quality LFS in the area had people requesting him to open his store back up so he opened up his shop to people to come in and buy directly from him. I did not know that for almost a year until a lady at Petsmart told me as he did not advertise. He has it setup now as a regular store and carries some nice stuff. I bought my golden maxima and Crocea from him for a great price.


Active Member
There is (I'm guessing it's still open) a place in Orange Park called Tom's Reef but I have never been there. Might be something to check out if you are close.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Pimpin Chirp
never heard of that place in orange park but i never go all the way out there either
Yeah, I tend to stay on the east side of the Buckman Bridge myself. Traffic sucks on Blanding Boulevard.


Right now i don't have a tank setup
Last year when I moved I sold my 12g nano cube reef setup and I've kinda been out of the hobby for a bit. I've got "the bug" again though and I'm real interested in the 29g biocube, I've heard they're pretty good setups. Have you guys heard anything about them?
naw i don't really know much about those bio-cubes they look pretty cool in the store when they all fully stacked up with corals and inverts though