Anybody know what this is?


It's like a dusty substance all over the place notice the chaeto and the pump in the picture below I have a sleeper goby but I still doubt this is the cause of this ?
What is this dust



Active Member
Looks like diatoms. It's an algae bloom, usually happens to new tanks shortly after the cycle, but can happen to older tanks too if the conditions are right....well, not so right...heh.


So what do I need to do ? Tanks not new at all well? sort of not new had it running for 7 months then had a disaster that killed everything restarted it up had it cycle for 1.5 month almost 2 before anything was added. Been running now for 3-4 months


Active Member
I actually think its detitrus and or other waste being collected in certain places in your tank. I had it collect in my chaeto when it was in my rear chamber. Is it dark brown or is it light tan?


Active Member
Originally Posted by elton092982
light tan

I believe its waste being collected in an area of your tank that has limited flow or being trapped in a net ie. your chateo. I had unusually high nitrates in my tank, I saw all the particulates in my chateo (same thing as yours) because I didnt have a filter sponge. I removed the chateo, rinsed it off did a water change and nitrates were back down again. Your power head could be the same or minerals that have come out of soultion from your salt mix, that is normal. When you pre mix salt water and dont wash out the container your mixing in. Eventually you get a light tan residue around it, it could be the same thing on your power head.


so is this something I should concern myself with? I'm not using a sponge filter or overflow etc anymore I'm only running a hang on back skimmer now


Active Member
i also was going to say detritus. need to either get a better clean up crew that can make it up to your pumps, or manually clean things once a month.
you still gotta clean inside the pump as well at least once every 2 months.


stock clean list : green brittle , 10 blue leg crabc, 40 nas snails,
fish list : GH sleeper goby, percula clown, javenese damsel, and royal gramma
45 - 50 lbs of rock , 40 gal tank , aqua C Remora skimmer
Am looking to get a few pep shrimp but that was about it ?? not sure what else I would need for a cleaning crew


i feed once a day a few flakes since my royal gramma is a bit pickee and wont eat frozen stuff but i alternate a cube of frozen mysis and brine each day


Active Member

What is your gph?
This is what I would do.
Add some filter floss to your HOB fiter. Use a turkey baster and blow off everything in your tank, while stirred up do 20% water change. Make sure you have at least 15 to 20X's your gallons of flow and then next day check all para and post. If your NO3 are still up prepare for another w/c.


? not sure what filter floss is? Also why doesnt the protein skimmer pick this debris up isnt that its job ? I thought as these particles pass through the system the bubbles would pick it up and distribute to the cupling


Active Member

Originally Posted by elton092982
i feed once a day a few flakes since my royal gramma is a bit pickee and wont eat frozen stuff but i alternate a cube of frozen mysis and brine each day
Seems like a lot of food to me if you are saying you do a few flakes and
either a cube of mysis or
a cube of brine each day.


? y would that be alot i notice people feeding 2 times a day on these boards
i have hungry folks so food doesnt sit long.


Active Member
Originally Posted by elton092982
? not sure what filter floss is? Also why doesnt the protein skimmer pick this debris up isnt that its job ? I thought as these particles pass through the system the bubbles would pick it up and distribute to the cupling
No the particles that the skimmer pics up are smaller in proportion to what filter floss will catch. Filter floss is a pad of a woven polymer of some type. It looks like a thick scrubing pad you would use on dishes.. except its not. It is found in a lot of different sizes and you place it in an area where the water passes through it. Its basically a filter media to collect larger particulates in your system. Every so often or every water change you can remove it and rinse it or if its worn out replace it.


sounds good to me now where should I get this from and where do I place it in the skimmer will it make the flow slower because its not made for a skimmer? Just so I can clarify I don't or have had any issues with my livestock and tank but for viewing pleasure its horrible when my clown or anything else touches a rock and this white powder is everywhere.


Active Member
Originally Posted by elton092982
? y would that be alot i notice people feeding 2 times a day on these boards
i have hungry folks so food doesnt sit long.
They are prob hungry because the brine is doing nothing for them... FWIW frozen brine holds very little if any nutritional value to your inhabitants and should be considered more of a snack than a staple. IMO I would eliminate the brine, and pick up another type of frozen like formula 1 or even a pellet to vary the diet.
The 2 minute rule is a guidline but only as much food as they can consume in 2 minutes, is what I do. And I feed mine every other day. If I was to feed every day then I would cut the time line back to 1 minute. JMO.


Active Member
IDK? I guess if your fish are eating it all and it is not settling on the bottom then it is not a lot for your system.
Just seemed like a lot to me with your fish list, and was looking for a cause for the detritus accumulation you are experiencing.
Carry on everybody, don't mind me.