anybody make a Koy pond?


Active Member
hey well i decided to make a Koy pond in my back yard.... my back yard is huge and so far i have the RV access paved on one side of the house from front of curb to back fence then a large area of grass now in the one section decided to make a coy pond with a cement area with a built in the ground fire pit and then a jacuzzi....
i was wondering if anyone else has a pond at there house and what kind of ideas u all had for planting around it and rock work.... im making a waterfall on the back side its overall about 2000 gallons measurments are about 13X13 and 2.5 feet deep....
heres a few pics showing the starts of it....
man digging a hole that big sucks~~~!!!
all the equipment comes in on tuesday along with the liner



ive dug a hole but all the good stuff happened the next day so i missed out :mad: for a dern wedding
dont they kno i was working on fish stuff


Active Member
With the KOI pond so close to the grass, don't use and fertilizers, bug killer etc. on the grass, it will eventually get in the pond. Good luck, looks like it will be nice.


Active Member
ive never used any fertilizer on the grass yet ... put the grass and sprinkler system in about 6 months ago now and the grass is still very green....
do u think that it will get into the pond even if u use the kind of fertilizer that is the rock form it doesnt really get fashed into that are we have those concrete seperators....
hmmmm... thanks yeah its coming along just a lot of physical work but i should have the pond full of water within a week.... then the concrete poured within a month or 2 and the jacuzzi is next ;-)
i was wondering if i could do an outdoor saltwater fishtank like that?
that would be pretty cool


Active Member
Well if the fertilizer is not the weed and feed type it will not do much except cause a heck of an algae problem........I have been fooling with "koi" for a number of years and have over 400 that I know of. I have two ponds both 1+ acre in size and the smallest of those is 1.68 million gallons in capacity, and numerous small preformed ponds and whiskey barrel water gardens scattered around the place all utilizing flow through filtraton/aeration from water pumped from one of the larger ponds. I would certainly consider going deeper than 2 1/2' though, and look at 3 to 3 1/2 at a minimum for protection from predators (herons, kingfish, coons etc etc) depth is their protection and also for water temp stabilization. What type filtration are you planning? What type of pumps? Sequence pumps are the best bang for the buck and carry a good track record......for longevity and economical operaton and very reasonable to buy........Have fun.........


Active Member
ok yeah ... maybe i can dig a little deeper on one end for protection reasons....
i dont have any racoons in my area i do see some heroins once in a great while but they are usaully out in the washes and such....
as for filtration im using some tetra PF3 large canister filter that does up to 2400 gallons with some kind of pump.... u know im not really sure cuz i just had the lady at the LFS order me up what i needed... i got a UV filter also to help control algae.... i had the brocure some where but i cant seem to find it now to tell u what everything is....
wow sounds like u have some crazy amount of property to have those kinds of ponds!!! id like to see that they sounds awesome!


Active Member
LOL. I am not sure if you have many decidous trees in you yard, but they are my worst enemy, if I don't get a net over the surface, the pond gets completely filled w/ leaves!
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Koi Ponds are awsome. I built one in my yard about 2 years ago and my fish are going strong. I will post some picture for you to see later on when I get home from work.