Anybody on here from around cleveland?

30-xtra high

Active Member
Originally Posted by Rylan1
That's about right.... I get up there every now and again to visit Aquatic Tech
yep, great store.. but i don't buy from them.. a lil pricy, do you know of strongsville pet emporium? well he gets fish for like.. 2$, so he sells them wicked cheap..


Active Member
What types of fish and corals do they sell typically. I haven't been to Aquatic Tech in a while, but I do like their variety. How does this other place compare?

30-xtra high

Active Member
well he'll order anything you want..
usual stock:
yellow tangs
gobies and blennies
bamboo sharks
upcoming stock tomarow:
achilles tangs
queen triggers
imperator angels
blue tang
orange sholder tang
b and w percs
bunch of other tangs and angels
fu manchu lions
the list goes on and on.. total of 200+ fish comin in..

30-xtra high

Active Member
Originally Posted by Rylan1
Sounds like they have a good selection. Do they carry corals?
not only that.. everything is cheaper then you could believe.. gobies and blennies usually 5-12$, dwarf angels usually 10-18$, clowns usually 9-13$, tangs usually 14-22$, sharks usually 30-35$, all lions 15$, eels 10-25$, triggers usually 20-35$.. he says the trick is ordering from the Philistines.
and yes they have corals.. for cheap to.. gsp,mushrooms, ricordeas, colts, plates, brains, sun corals, kenyas, sps, lps.
the corals are usually between 4-40$


Active Member
Sounds like its worth the drive. I'm go to all the LFS in Akron and some in Canton. Its hard finding everything you want at one particular store. Biggest problem some are ridicoulously overpriced. I know a guy who told me they ordered a large angel and at cost is was $35 and was selling for like a $100 or so. I know business have expenses but talk about a mark-up. This one store that I never buy from was selling Xenia for $125 and $165 for some rock that had like 3 and 6 stalks. Stalks were like 2 and 3 inches.


New Member
I am from Lorain but in the Army stationed in NC. Yeah I call my sister and brag about the 75 degree weather in february.


Active Member
We had 70 degree weather earlier in the week, but let me ask you this...
Have you had snow, ice, rain, flood advisory, winter storm advisory, a tornado, and an earthquake all in the same week? Northeast Ohio did, crazy!