Anybody played Call of Duty Modern Warfare Yet?


Active Member
Just wondering if anyone else feels the way I do about it....
Ok so I pre- ordered this game and I have been playing it for the last 2 nights.. The adjective "Unbelievable" doesnt even do it justice. Its said to be the most technologically advanced video game released to date.
If anyone has or hasent played it yet.. heres an example. There is a video floating around on one of the "tube" type sites of an air strike done in Iraq, the video is shot out of a Spectre Gunship. If you have seen it you can relate, the portion of this game I played last night simulates a scenario similar to that. IMO you cannot tell the difference between the real video and the game version, including the comments from your spotter, they litterally sound like they are taken from that video. Other similarites are scenarios that mimic instances of the War in Simolia, and duplicating scenes of the Black Hawk Down movie. I am still in awe over it...


I am a huge fan of Rainbow 6, Ghost Recon, and COD. I was kind of tired with the WWII style of the older COD. I am glad COD is now modern. I cant wait to play it.


Active Member
Originally Posted by MoneyMan
I am a huge fan of Rainbow 6, Ghost Recon, and COD. I was kind of tired with the WWII style of the older COD. I am glad COD is now modern. I cant wait to play it.
Give Black Hawk Down with Team Sabre expansion disc a try. Awesome game especially when you play online. I'm in a squad in the BHD/TS gaming community.

nano reefer

Active Member
i camped out at the GameStop parking lot until they opened and then i bought it for double the price to make sue i got my copy.... then i realized i dont a PS3!!!!!

nano reefer

Active Member
just kidding, i am putting in too much money into my tank to get a PS3. COD: MW is supposed to be the most photorealistic game ever created.


I played the Multiplayer Beta and it was pretty sweet. You can earn skills and upgrade your weapons with silencers, red dot sites, etc. Its pretty cool, but it will throw you for a loop the first time you kill someone and they have the "Last Stand" setting on.


The game is awesome! Its much faster gameplay than call of duty 2 and much more realistic. The weapons are better and the stab attack is pretty useful .
The last stand is a pretty cool feature, It makes people work just a little harder to get the kill.
It also makes it easier to steal the kill from someone else!


Active Member
I have only played the game missions nothing online yet and I am not far into it but so far I agree absolutly, the most photorealistic game I have ever seen. I got 2 of my friends going to trade their PS2's in for PS3's just for this game alone.. yea we are all die hard playstation fans..SOCOM Is our fav.. well used to be anyway...


Active Member
My friend bought it and I trired it out. It sounds fun and all, but the graphics stink, IMO. I'm saving for Assassin's Creed, but I'm asking for COD4 for Christmas.


Active Member
Originally Posted by yerboy
the graphics stink? lol your buddy needs to get a new graphics card then. It has the best graphics of any FPS i have ever played.
take a look at this video and tell me the graphics stink
edit: also i play this on PC so i cant say what a console will look like.
On a PC with an amazing graphics card, anything would look good.
I'm talking about a 360 here.


I picked the little one up a xbox 360 for christmas. Yesterday I bought Call of Duty Modern Warfare, Ace Combat 6, Halo 3, Smackdown vs Raw, MLB 2007, some simpsons game yesterday. I have been telling the other half that I am going to give him the 360 early so I can play these games.

tru conch

Active Member
ripping it up. love the game.
only a few complaints. i cant figure out how to host a public game... or have myself and friends play in a public game. anyone know how would be awesome
but the most realistic game ive played next to GRAW2 or Rainbow 6 Vegas as of late.


my puppies chewed up my god dam* head set so no online play for a bit. I am in the process of the purchase lol


Active Member
I spent a few hours with a PS3 and that game this weekend. Very cool game. And amazing graphics, needless to say.


Active Member
I can't wait to get it. I'm asking for that and GRAW 2(had it before, got rid of it, and want it again LOL). GRAW has to be the best modern combat game I've played so far. Maybe COD4 will prove me wrong. GRAW's online was amazing plus they had great maps. Espicaly the bonus pack. And good graphics.