Anybody see transformers?

darthtang aw

Active Member
Originally Posted by runn3rb3an
Best movie ever...

Originally Posted by PEZenfuego

If you thought that he was literally saying that it was the greatest movie that has ever been made, then you are a complete moron.
Did the significant similarities of the word "best" and "greatest" change in the last 24-48 hours? Because when I open the thesaurus, they link to each other. They also essentially mean the same how can we be moron's for taking it how it was stated? Unless the word "best" to the younger generation now just means "pretty good" and some new word like "bestalicious" means bestest ever.
Darthalicious Tang


Active Member
Originally Posted by Darthtang AW
Did the significant similarities of the word "best" and "greatest" change in the last 24-48 hours? Because when I open the thesaurus, they link to each other. They also essentially mean the same how can we be moron's for taking it how it was stated? Unless the word "best" to the younger generation now just means "pretty good" and some new word like "bestalicious" means bestest ever.
Darthalicious Tang
So are you capable of making this statement? Nobody in the world is. Even if someone had seen every movie there is, it would still be based solely on opinion.
He wasn't saying that it was the best movie ever made, he was simply trying to express how much he liked it.
I made the mistake of quoting him incorrectly.
You knew all of this and yet you still felt the need to make the conversation negative. I don't understand why people like you and Guapo are allowed to post on here. I take the bulk of your comments and see a totally negative contribution. But you are adults so you can get away with it.%%

salt life

Active Member
Originally Posted by PEZenfuego
So are you capable of making this statement? Nobody in the world is. Even if someone had seen every movie there is, it would still be based solely on opinion.
He wasn't saying that it was the best movie ever made, he was simply trying to express how much he liked it.
I made the mistake of quoting him incorrectly.
You knew all of this and yet you still felt the need to make the conversation negative. I don't understand why people like you and Guapo are allowed to post on here. I take the bulk of your comments and see a totally negative contribution. But you are adults so you can get away with it.

I think it's time for guapo and darth to take a little vacation with CK.

crypt keeper

Active Member
Originally Posted by Darthtang AW
So you are saying that Transformers 2 is the greatest movie of all time....out of the thousands of movies this is number 1? Even better than the first? Name one sequel that was better than first...rarely happens....
I grew up on Star wars, comics, Xmen, transformers, heman, as well....yet you say transformers is for the current generation. I call bullcrap, since the OP wasn't even alive when transformer toys were big.
Matrix blows LOTR away? how many awards did the matrix series get? What were the total movie sales comparatively, I will grant the first one was really good...but they dumped when they made the next two.
Yeah, only single people living with their [parents like the movies I listed
. try harder...your attempt at an insult resulted in an epic fail.
Im glad you have the reading comprehension of a 12 year old. Where did I mention Transformers as being the best movie? I simply defended a statement because you came in and flamed a 15 year old kid. Awesome job. You're a real man.
Again. Reading comprehension 101. I said I grew up on transformers. I grew up on Comics. I'm 27. No where did I say the 15 year old kid grew up on anything. My last sentence even stated old people have their movies my age has theirs and younger kids have theirs. To a 15 year old kid Transformers could possibly be the best movie he has ever seen. Again he is 15. Maybe I should say that once more so you can actually understand it. He is 15!
I dont care about how many awards LOTR won vs Matrix. Matrix was of the few movies that actually changed movies forever. The fights scenes set the bar. Im sorry you loved watching 2 hobbits walk across the entire world while having romantical moments and think it was a great movie. I however did not.


Active Member
I think the coolest thing is that the popcorn smilie has a dual purpose in this thread.....

I will add though that if Guapo and Darth add fuel to the fire, there shouldn't be a fire to start with. %%

salt life

Active Member
Originally Posted by AquaKnight
I think the coolest thing is that the popcorn smilie has a dual purpose in this thread.....

I will add though that if Guapo and Darth add fuel to the fire, there shouldn't be a fire to start with.

they make comments to people which results in an arguement. so they pretty much start the fire and keep fueling it with more stupidity.


Active Member
back on track.......heck I could hear the sound of derailment here in STL

TOO darn long!!! Okay movie though....

el guapo

Active Member
Originally Posted by Salt Life
they make comments to people which results in an arguement. so they pretty much start the fire and keep fueling it with more stupidity.

I believe the argument was over some 20 posts ago and it was between me and Meowzer . Then PEZ felt the need to run around and bark then you felt the need to chime in ... So who is really keeping this going ? You can point the finger at me and Darth all you want but its funny how it was dead and over until you two fired it back up . In fact the thread had nothing to do with you or Pez . But yet here you are talkin trash . Did you join in to talk about the topic of the thread ? NO you joined in so you could argue and talk crap . Your great contribution to the thread was this "+456546765765" . Wow way to keep it on track and add meaningfully to the discussion.


Well, being that discussing a movie is too difficult for some people, this thread is closed.
For the record, I saw the movie last night and thought it was very good.