Anybody Use AZ-NO3??


Saw an add in a fish mag for "Absolute Zero Nitrate". It is supposed to work " with natural
enzymes in your aquarium to form large enzyme molecules which can be easily removed
by your protein skimmer". It is supposed to reduce nitrate levels to zero in 30 days and is said to be reef safe.
Anybody know anything about it?


Active Member
My only problem with that product is that you will need to buy an Iodine test kit and ORP monitor/Oxygen test kit while using the product because their warnings state:
-Under rare situations that should your fish show stress, an Iodine supplement is recommended. Please bare in mind that the AZ-NO3™ enhances the efficiency of your skimmer and Iodine may have been exported.
-Watch your ORP while using this product and use BioOxygen Tablets if there is a need.
So in order to use it, you will need to spend a bunch of money right from the start if you want to use it properly. You will need the bottle of the AZ-NO3 ($20), Iodine test kit ($32), Lugol's Iodine supplement ($13), ORP test kit ($18), BioOxygen tablet($10-$20). That's about $93, and that's at the cheapest prices for all of those products.
At that price, you might as well start up a small refugium. My 20 gallon refugium cost less than or about $93 to set-up, and my refuge not only takes out nitrates, but also removes phosphates and silicates, while producing pods for my tank, and prevents algae from growing almost entirely in my display tank.
Just something to think about.


Thanks Lion Crazz. I have thought about getting a refugium, but I am afraid of it generating too much heat. My tank gets up to 82 by the end of the light cycle and I would like to avoid having to purchase a pricey chiller. Did your refugium heat up your tank much?


Active Member
My refugium does not heat my tank up whatsoever. The light that I use is very small, so it is not heating it up at all.


I've used it, awsome product, took my nitrates from 40 to 0 in about a week and they have been there ever since. Never saw any ill effects in any of my corals or fish