Anybody use CC in Reef?


I have sand in my 30 gallon reef, but in my FO tanks I have some crushed coral that I really like. I like the cc better because my sand is always covered with cyanobacteria and the cc seems to resist this. Also, my lfs uses cc in their reef tanks with good results. I'm not saying that cc is better than a dsb (far from it), I was just wondering why cc is a widely accepted substrate in FO but not in Reefs? Thanks! -David
I could be wrong, but I think it is a bacteria issue. Bacteria seems to do better and multiply better in Sand. The bacteria assists in breakdown of wastes and a lot of other good things. I have CC under my LS.


I have had an 80 gallon reef setup for over 7 years with no problems using CC. I have never had a problem. I even use and undergravel filter. From what I have read a DSB is much better, and will use that in my next tank, an nano-reef, but not plans on changing this tank over. At least not as of yet anyway.


Thanks for the quick responses you all. Seems to me that if you clean cc (stir it up once a week to let the filters work, and vaccuum at least once a month), then it would not be a problem in a reef tank. Maybe it is just me, but my sand never looks that pretty. I keep my phosphates and nitrates low, but to no avail.