anybody wanna help me build my reef tank fish list. i need some help


i have 2 perc clowns. i got today. and im thinking of wat fish to get next. i think i need to get one that will clean the rocks of algae and stuff. its getting bad. some1 said a bi color blenny. maybe ill get one of those.
1. 2 perc clowns
5. Blue hippo Tang
6. Yellow Tang
bicolor blenny?
flame angel?
its a reef tank gonna have tons of corals. dont want anything that will pick on or eat any.
my tank is a 125gallon btw. with the 2 tangs i dunno if i can get more than 6.. but if i can. feel free to add onto my 6 fish list.


There are so many options. Just take your time and pick carefully. Good luck. I like the rule of fewer fish the better.


Active Member
im a big fan of anthias such as a sun burst anthias and some of the cooler wrasses like a carpenter fairy wrasse a leopard wrasse or if u can afford one a mystery wrasse but they are about $200 ....
these fish add a lot of color and variety to a reef