anyone a Diabetic?


Active Member
Well Merry Xmas to me, yesterday I found out that I'm Diabetic. I have not been feeling well for quite some time and the last couple of weeks/months have been very difficult. I have passed out twice. Once I ended up in the ER for stitches in my head and once in Mexico on vaca which I had to come home early.
So after seeing the Doc's for what seems like everyday for the last week and looking like a smack addict b/c of all the blood they have taken they have finally decided that my sugar is the issue.
I started on oral meds yesterday. I guess I'm just curious what others have done for lifestyle changes and just some advise on what I will need to do.
I do realize that I will have to make some drastic changes in my life but at 42 I really don't have much of a choice. At this point I'm just happy to be able to indentify what is happening to me.
Any insight, hints or words of wisdom for what to expect are greatly appreciated.


Active Member
Originally Posted by TurningTim
Well Merry Xmas to me, yesterday I found out that I'm Diabetic. I have not been feeling well for quite some time and the last couple of weeks/months have been very difficult. I have passed out twice. Once I ended up in the ER for stitches in my head and once in Mexico on vaca which I had to come home early.
So after seeing the Doc's for what seems like everyday for the last week and looking like a smack addict b/c of all the blood they have taken they have finally decided that my sugar is the issue.
I started on oral meds yesterday. I guess I'm just curious what others have done for lifestyle changes and just some advise on what I will need to do.
I do realize that I will have to make some drastic changes in my life but at 42 I really don't have much of a choice. At this point I'm just happy to be able to indentify what is happening to me.
Any insight, hints or words of wisdom for what to expect are greatly appreciated.
I am in the same boat,, I just started working out becasue i am overweight but ive been having dizzy spells, head ache, frequent urinating, PLUS my father passed away 4 years ago from type 2 diabetes... I am scared to go to the doctor...
but I know I must for the sake of my future and my girlfriends because we want to have kids someday soon..


Active Member
I'm not, but come from a long line of those who do. See a good diet specialist. be aware of what is in the food you eat. Starches turn to sugar. There are many products now that you can have, just sugar free.


Active Member
But my bro in law is. He found out when he was like 22 or so after he almost went in to a coma. It takes a whle, you just have to watch your diet and it will get much easier after a little time, and also make sure you exercise.


Active Member
Originally Posted by MiaHeatLvr
I am in the same boat,, I just started working out becasue i am overweight but ive been having dizzy spells, head ache, frequent urinating, PLUS my father passed away 4 years ago from type 2 diabetes... I am scared to go to the doctor...
but I know I must for the sake of my future and my girlfriends because we want to have kids someday soon..
go to the doctor before you come insulin dependent. It is very managable with diet and exercise. It can also affect your boys without proper care.


Hello Tim,
Welcome to the wonderful world of most said here watch your diet and start walking or doing something active. Also, watch your feet that is the number one problem with diabetic's there legs they have poor cirulation because of it and one small thing can turn into something big in no time fast. My family runs strong and hard with this disease. My mother and father both have it along with 7 of there 9 siblings together, I'm borderline I swing between having to take shots and then not having to. This ugly thing has been passed to my daughter who was diagnosed at 18 months old when she slipped into a coma for 19 days, she is 13 now and doing great tho. So this disease is well known to me from family as well as I am a nurse. My word of advise is...dont play with this illness at all...Dont let anything slide if you need to stop then stop and take a snack or rest for a minute. Educate yourself and your family on this, let them help you with warning signs that you arent aware of. Trust me they will see it way before you feel it.
We found a local group here that I went to for a few months to help with my daughter, maybe you could find one to. Just someone who knows what you are going through and can answer all your questions as they are thrown at you. This diagnoses does mean you will have to alter your living, but not so much it takes over.
If you have any questions feel free to email me I will be more then happy to help.


Active Member
Thank you so much Msez. I unfortunately know about the consequences very well. I lost my G-mom when I was very young to a stroke and my Uncle lost his leg and eventually his life b/c of this illness. But I wasn't in close contact with either of them to really know anything else.
My Doc just put me on metaformulin (sp?) and I just made an appointment with a endocrinologist who specializes in Diabetes/thyroid b/c it seems that maybe failing a bit also.
I'm glad you mentioned education b/c that is an area I need to get my kids on board with and a group setting sounds good. Trust me over the last couple weeks I've learned not to try and fight it. Like I said, I ended up in the ER. I know that I will lose......
I'm just hoping that I will get back to normal soon. I'm just so darn exhausted all the time but I'm sure a change in diet and some exercise will help out a bunch too.
Can't really think of anything else but thank you so much and I'm very happy to hear about your daughter.
Gives me hope and reassurence.