anyone change their heaters regularly?


Active Member
I see so many heaters that malfunction and kill so many fish and coral, I'm wondering if maybe I should replace mine now before it malfunctions. Mines going on three years old.
Does anyone change theirs before it breaks and if so how often?

fish master

it an outlet that trips the circuit if something goes wrong. you can buy them at any hardware store, ace hardware, menards, lowes. they range in prices from about 7.00. you will be able to get one for 10.00 for sure.


Active Member
so if my heater were to go on the fritz this outlet would shut it off before it raised the temp too high?


I always use two heaters, just in case one fails. But on my nano I use an Aqua Euro CL-85 which has a Chiller and Heater built in. It regulates the Temp all by its self.

fish master

Originally Posted by zoie2
so if my heater were to go on the fritz this outlet would shut it off before it raised the temp too high?
i am sorry, i was thinking more about electrocuting the fish. if the thermastat goes out the gfi would probably not trigger. i think they do make things where if temp get to high or low an alarm will sound, but i dont know much about them.


Active Member
owning a gfci is a must, just so if something leaks electricity into your tank and you put your hand in, you wont get killed. The GFCI will save your life, and for only $13 at home depot. get one

and i think its a good idea to replace your heater after 3 years, seems like a smart thing to do.


Active Member
I asked my husband if ours was that gfci thing and he said no. I thought maybe you could just get one but he said I'd have to replace my whole outlet. Maybe in the near future.
I think I will however go get a new heater. I think the one I've had for 3 years was only like 20$.
Thanks for all your input!


Active Member
you dont need to replace the outlet, they make portable ones that plug into the socket. Like i said, $13 at home depot. Totally worth it


Active Member
WOW! That's sweet! I will definiately go get one. And here I was thinking my husband knows everything!