Anyone do any earthquake proofing of their tanks?


I live in Southern California, so I am wondering if anyone else from around here has taken any steps to earthquake proof their tanks? Something like you would do with the water heater (attach it to the wall). It seems like the tank would easily tip in a large earthquake. I bought a stand from Petsmart for my 50 gal, but it doesnt seem like it would hold up well in that sort of event. I was thinking of attaching it to some studs in the wall with some cable or something, hopefullly not too visable. Has anyone done any of this?


good post....i too am in so cal, and the same thoughts have crossed my mind....there's no way my tank would hold up in a shaker...i gotta come up with something.....i let you know....


Active Member
in in san diego....
hopefully i wont get one,....but if dogs start barking, im running to my room and holding my baby!!!


Yeah, I was in the Northridge one, but about 35 miles away so it was not too bad. I only had a 15 gal, and it didnt really fall either, lost a bit of water. I can just see the whole thing tipping and spilling all over the living room though. I'd hate to be at the LFS during a big one.


New Member
I live in the Bay Area and fortunatley I missed Loma Preatta but I have been through several small quakes without any major problems. I just set up a 125 and the stand has a lip around the tank that I hope will keep it from sliding. I bolted the stand to the studs in the wall behind it using lag anchors and all thread. Hopefully this will keep the tank from tipping over in a big one. Living in Cali you know its just a matter of time so I would brace the tank as best as you can and pray it works.