Anyone do anything cool with their overflow?


Well, my mystery wrasse has a new infatuation with my overflow (standard built in overflow top to bottom). He has jumped in there twice now and really seems to like it for some reason. I have now put egg crate all around that area to detour him but he has definetely tried to jump back in there at night and he always is staring up there looking for ways to get in there.
Anyway, watching him in there before I got him out both times I noticed a lot of food came into the overflow and if he didnt eat it while he was in there would have went right into my filter sock. So my question is:
1. Does anyone do anything different with their overflow such as keeping rocks in there even algae with a light on the back? I have a refugium, but I feel like I could always go bigger with that.
2. My wrasse really seemed to enjoy it in there, but he is a little too expensive to be chillin behind the tank where no one can see him except for me laying my head against the wall. So would it be weird to keep a really small nano fish in there to eat the excess food until he is big enough to be in the main tank?