Anyone else have a sea robin?



Here is a quick video of mine. I set up a 45 gallon long for it for now giving it plenty of sandy bottom to walk on and feed. It's a voracious feeder, now that it's settled in. As it grows, I will be moving it up into my 250 once I have time to create a sandy area for it. Right now, it's about 2.5 inches.


IDK what a Sea Robin is..LOL...But when I click the pic, I did not get a video......I got ALL your pictures


I will have to try it again! Wow, I had to run make sure everything was G rated, lol.


Someone was talking about little blues the other day. I found a little trick with the real little ones to get them out and about and eating. A small yellow tail damsel! I thought it might be a fluke the other two times, but I have a friend who had six that were failing quickly, he brought them put them in my QT, I plopped in a yellow tail and three weeks later all look wonderful. The poor damsel probably needs a prozac but the hippos are doing really well and appear to be growing. I'm going to be sad to see them go!


Not a very good pic, and no vid...
When you say "sea robin", are do you mean Prionotus sp. or Dactylopterus sp.? It's hard to tell from the poor photo...if it's the former, you're gonna have quite a monster of a fish on your hands.


I can't get the video to post. I'll work on getting a good picture. We see them all the time at the coast, we are always pulling them up in the cast nets in super shallow water. I have never seen these guys much larger than 4 to 5 inches but it could be because they are in deeper waters possibly.
This one was a stow away in the live well. I didn't find out that someone put him in there until we were already home so I set up a tank for him rather than let him die.
I had one for about 7 years a long time ago, he really didn't get any larger than 5 inches. I will never really now how large he would have gotten because we lost power during the storm of the century and I lost most of my fish.
Any species input would be appreciated!


Guest you do indeed have a beast in the making. These are great fish, but man, do they get large and have HUGE mouths. They're reportedly good eating too. IIRC, P. carolinus is the species found off the Atlantic coast of North America.
I know Frank Marini (FMarini) has kept this fish, so maybe he'll chime in or you can PM him.