Anyone else miss the Titan/Green Bay ending?


Active Member
The Titans and Green Bay were playing in overtime. Titans had the ball on their own 23 and were setting up for a winning field goal, when CLICK. Fox went to commercials. They ran about 5 or 7 and when they came back, it was the Dallas/Giants game! I'm not a fan of either, but it ticks me off when they just drop coverage of a pretty good game because it was running over. Instead, I had to listen to Troy Aikman and some other guy talk about the obvious. I was just wondering if this happened to anyone else, or was it my local affiliate that did it because of course San Antonio can't be without their constant coverage of the Cowboys....
i got the game dropped to see the raiders get crushed by the falcons...why would you drop an overtime game with an undefeated team for the raiders O_O


Active Member
There was some game between a west coast team i don't remember if it was the rams or the raiders. It went into rediculous overtime, and they cut to a kids show. And that almost started a riot. But my football television history is a bit hazy.
Personally I'm a big cowboys fan, and I'm glad. In houston we pretty much just missed a field goal. You can't expect then to carry that game while the cowboys are playing, in texas.


Active Member
it was the Raiders vs Jets Nov. 17 1968 in Oakland.
there were 65 seconds left to play and the Jets were leading 32-29. This is when they broke from the game to show Heidi.
the Raiders scored 14 points in those 65 seconds and won the game.
It became known as the Heidi Bowl.


Active Member
Who cares..... Texas vs Texas Tech is the ending so far of the season... Both College and NFL... great game