anyone else miss thier fish when away?


sinner's girl

As most know i'm a college kid, the tank is at sinner's. I stay at my parents house (which is 4.5 hours away) during the summer.
i left on saturday. miss the clowns, and the's as if a piece of my day is missing b/c i'm not ckecking the temp, feeding them and watching them.
just wondering if i'm the only one. once sinner gets his laptop back i'm going to have him hook up the webcam so i can see them (i mean so i can see him...)


Active Member
Yes, I miss my fish all the time. I even miss them while I'm at school. I love my fish. Who wouldn't miss them?


yes,i miss my fish,birds,dogs,lizard and mouse..but hardly think about the creature that has taken the place of the fellow i use to call my hubby..i think he's an unnamed specis-tee-hee <img src="graemlins//evilwhorn.gif" border="0" alt="[Evil Horn]" />


well I can't say I miss them, I have enough to worry about when at work. my life and others lives are at stake. In the down time I might wonder if the tank itself is running ok and I do look foward to watching them it really helps me unwind from a hellish shift.


to me my tank is a adventure. I enjoy building the environment, watching it grow, it brings me peace. I guess what I meant was that I don't think about it 24/7 there are alot of more important things to me than the tank. first and formost is my family then the job the tank comes in 3rd. It is still a great hobby but it has it's place