Anyone Else Think Obama Is The Antichrist ?


Active Member
Originally Posted by jennythebugg
just wondering cause theres alot of folks starting to worry

As much as I dig you Jenny, I dont think that this thread will be open for too long due to the title of the thread.
p.s. Even though I agree...


Active Member
Is Obama the antichrist??? I don't know but you may want to ask McCain as he was there when it all began.


Active Member
Originally Posted by MiaHeatLvr
As much as I dig you Jenny, I dont think that this thread will be open for too long due to the title of the thread.
p.s. Even though I agree...

off topic but ur heat lost!
But I cant wait to see them this season. With Beasly, Wade, and Marion. Should be some exciting basketball


Staff member
Its funny you mention this. I thought everyone thought Bush was the AntiChrist?? I guess not as it turns out....
No, Obama is not the AntiChrist.


Active Member
Originally Posted by rebelprettyboy
off topic but ur heat lost!
But I cant wait to see them this season. With Beasly, Wade, and Marion. Should be some exciting basketball
I know, I know... watched the whole game...looked very exciting at some points with all our stars sitting the second half.. 2 games 2 ot's and 2 losses... But as we are all saying its only pre-season.


Active Member
In Luke 10:18 Jesus I beheld Satan as Lightning fall from Heaven. How does a Jewish Rabbi, which Jesus is credited with being (John 1:38), say in HEBREW, that Satan is like LIGHTNING from heaven?
Barack, also transliterated as Baraq in Hebrew, is LIGHTNING (Strongs Hebrew word 1300). Even in Greek, Barak is LIGHTNING (Strongs Greek word 913) for the name of a person!
The ONLY WAY, a Jewish Rabbi can say in Hebrew that SATAN is LIGHTNING is, SATAN BARACK!
taken from web and theres a ton of them like that too


Active Member
obama scares me - and im not a fan of mc cain but obama just plain scares me espescially the fanaticism that surrounds him


Active Member
Was Hitler one of the Anti-Christs??
At this point, I would say read through Nostradamus' quatrains. Or really read the book of Revelations in The Bilbe.
So many signs are right there in front of our eyes, but so many are blinded by the light that is Obama. The savior that shall deliver us from Bush.
Do some Obama Youth.
How can this guy become Leader of the free world with the questions and connections surrounding him??
Doesn't the Prez need some kind of Security clearance?? Heck, none of us could get a job as a Secret Service agent that would be protecting the Prez with the past this guy has had. Blows my mind.

Everybody is so friggin' quick to kick the fox out of the hen house, they don't see the coyote they are letting in.

Oh crap....did I say coyote??? I'm sure that must some kind of racist remark.
How dare I question the Annointed one?


Active Member
Get out there... spread the word, volunteer, donate time if not funds. Do something about it! Be HEARD! MAKE SOME NOISE! Together we can make a difference! or maybe not? Due to groups who are fixing votes like ACORN..


Active Member

Originally Posted by GrouperGenius
At this point, I would say read through Nostradamus' quatrains
. Or really read the book of Revelations in The Bilbe.
dont tell me you actually believe in that... and if you do then pray tell why these predictions are only validated AFTER they happen...
and besides... Barney is the antichrist...


Active Member
Originally Posted by ruaround
dont tell me you actually believe in that... and if you do then pray tell why these predictions are only validated AFTER they happen...
and besides... Barney is the antichrist...

To an extent it seems reasonable...but pray tell, how can you validate something happens BEFORE it happens??
I could tell you that you'll slip on some ice some Winter and break your elbow.
How can we validate that until:
A) You pass away without ever having that happen.
B) You actually do slip on some ice and nothing happens.
C) You slip on some ice and break your elbow.
D) We forget we ever had this discussion.
I'm jus' sayin'


Active Member
Originally Posted by GrouperGenius
To an extent it seems reasonable...but pray tell, how can you validate something happens BEFORE it happens??
I could tell you that you'll slip on some ice some Winter and break your elbow.
How can we validate that until:
A) You pass away without ever having that happen.
B) You actually do slip on some ice and nothing happens.
C) You slip on some ice and break your elbow.
D) We forget we ever had this discussion.
I'm jus' sayin'
well if you can tell me then let me know a specific date and a time so that i can avoid doing so... dont throw a bogus idea out there and give me an "i told you so" after the fact...