Anyone Else Think Obama Is The Antichrist ?


Active Member
Originally Posted by ruaround
well if you can tell me then let me know a specific date and a time so that i can avoid doing so... dont throw a bogus idea out there and give me an "i told you so" after the fact...
Then you would avoid it, it wouldn't happen, then you would say "See, you don't know what your talking about."
Don't go trying to match metaphysical computations with me pal.


Active Member
Originally Posted by GrouperGenius
Then you would avoid it, it wouldn't happen, then you would say "See, you don't know what your talking about."
Don't go trying to match metaphysical computations with me pal.

i would avoid it and you would be a hero... but since NO ONE can predict the future there is no soothsaying hero... Nostradamus' quatranes are no more credible than Miss Cleo... if you generalize on a grand enough scale with minimal specifics you can word anything you want to make one believe... they are just horoscopes...


Active Member
Originally Posted by ruaround
i would avoid it and you would be a hero... but since NO ONE can predict the future there is no soothsaying hero... Nostradamus' quatranes are no more credible than Miss Cleo... if you generalize on a grand enough scale with minimal specifics you can word anything you want to make one believe... they are just horoscopes...
Miss Cleo...Oh No You Di-int just go there. (snappin to a Z) Sarcasm Ru, sarcasm
No Nostradamus or Miss can not avoid the future unless your not a part of it.
Jenny, I think Obama is Anti-American. And these things will be brought into light in the future. Then all the kool-Aid crowd of now will be looking back in 6-10 years from now like they are making some grand revalations about Obama. The same things that some of us are trying to shine the light on now before it's too late.
Soothsaying about some future events are very easy if you just look at the signs.


Active Member
Originally Posted by GrouperGenius
At this point, I would say read through Nostradamus' quatrains. Or really read the book of Revelations in The Bilbe.
While I can't agree with Nostradomus I do agree that the Bible holds the answers Jenny is looking for. Not just in the Revelation (no s) of Jesus Christ, but the prophetic books of the Old Testament. They offer much detail on the events leading up to the coming of the Antichrist. I don't feel that enough prophecy has been fulfilled leading up to the Antichrists rise to power. He will lead the ten world leaders of the new Roman Empire. The new Roman Empire with 10 leaders does not yet exist.


He may be the anti-christ but It is proven he is definetly anti-american until recently when he decided to run for president. The little research I have done I cant believe that he actually has a chance to be our next president. things that struck me weird his ties with that crazy church, him refusing to wear the american flag pennant until after it became such a big deal, his heritage and the controversy of his legal citizenship and how it was obtained, this guy is great at giving speeches but hasnt even ran a full term in the senate. I am unsure about mccain but he is definetly a better candidate than obama. Experience does outway knkowledge I dont care what you say. Atleast McCain has made decisions that we can use to know about his actions. Then you have Obama the mama of speech giving this guy will probably talk his way into president what a shame we should be smarter than that as americans


Active Member
Originally Posted by socal57che
While I can't agree with Nostradomus I do agree that the Bible holds the answers Jenny is looking for. Not just in the Revelation (no s) of Jesus Christ, but the prophetic books of the Old Testament. They offer much detail on the events leading up to the coming of the Antichrist. I don't feel that enough prophecy has been fulfilled leading up to the Antichrists rise to power. He will lead the ten world leaders of the new Roman Empire. The new Roman Empire with 10 leaders does not yet exist.
Since the Anti-Christ is a Biblical term, we need to use the Bible for guidance.
First Jenny, the verse in Luke you quote is Jesus discussing Satan; Not the Anti-Christ. Two separate Biblical characters.
Second, as SoCal points out, we skipped a few steps in OT prophecy for the Anti-Christ to step up.
Jenny, got to your local bookstore and grab a copy of "Epicenter" by Joel Rosenberg. Great book, written very ell, by a very credible and don to earth author, discussing events of the day in relation to Biblical perspective. Very interesting read.


Active Member
Originally Posted by MiaHeatLvr
Get out there... spread the word, volunteer, donate time if not funds. Do something about it! Be HEARD! MAKE SOME NOISE! Together we can make a difference! or maybe not? Due to groups who are fixing votes like ACORN..

Guys... you can spread the word all you like. But in the last several months, your words have been that Obama is the antichrist, a nazi, a pedophile, a socialist and a racist. Shocking that more people aren't convinced when you make such compelling claims.


Active Member
Originally Posted by crimzy
Guys... you can spread the word all you like. But in the last several months, your words have been that Obama is the antichrist, a nazi, a pedophile, a socialist and a racist. Shocking that more people aren't convinced when you make such compelling claims.

Well said.


Active Member
Originally Posted by crimzy
Guys... you can spread the word all you like. But in the last several months, your words have been that Obama is the antichrist, a nazi, a pedophile, a socialist and a racist. Shocking that more people aren't convinced when you make such compelling claims.

I gather you don't feel that Obama is a socialist, racist, Nazi, pedophile Antichrist?

I agree, Crimz. He's prolly none of those things. (the exception being socialist)
I just don't trust the man.
Turning your back on your church family of 20 years is scary.
Will he abandon the American people if it's no longer convenient for him?


Active Member
Originally Posted by thetabors
things that struck me weird his ties with that crazy church
McCain has one of those too....that's why he won't attack Obama using Rev. Wright.
Originally Posted by thetabors
him refusing to wear the american flag pennant until after it became such a big deal
And then McCain quit wearing them! So by the original logic....McCain is un-American....
Originally Posted by thetabors

his heritage and the controversy of his legal citizenship and how it was obtained
What are you talking about?????? Where did you hear this???
Originally Posted by thetabors

this guy is great at giving speeches but hasnt even ran a full term in the senate.
This will be the first election in a long time that a senator will win, most aren't anywhere near Washington before hand.

el guapo

Active Member
All I am going to say is we all better get a paddle because we are going to be so far up the creek we'll never be able to paddle our way out of it .
Obama is indeed the Anti-christ. He is going to lead us to the final days .


Active Member
By the way, it seems to me like there are some very superstitious ideas that think the election of one person will ruin our great country.
Just an observation.


Active Member
Grabbing all these outdated books of fantasy and fear I see...
You have to look beyond religion to actually think. Use your reason, not your fear.


Active Member
Originally Posted by sickboy
By the way, it seems to me like there are some very superstitious ideas that think the election of one person will ruin our great country.
Just an observation.
Gee whiz, should I dare go back through a bagillion threads here alone that claim that 1 man, George W. Bush, ruined our great country???


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by jennythebugg
obama scares me - and im not a fan of mc cain but obama just plain scares me espescially the fanaticism that surrounds him
This must be an ironic statement - tell me that in a discussion of the antichrist you think that anyone else could be fanatical in comparison, and you're just being ironic...Please!


Maybe on Obama's last day as president it will ALL go down. I mean the aztec or mayan calendar ends in 2012. What more proof do you need?

How long is the beast allowed to have authority in Revelations?
Revelations Chapter 13 tells us it is 42 months, and you know what that is.
Almost a four-year term of a Presidency.
All I can say is "Lord, Have mercy on us!"
According to The Book of Revelations the anti-Christ is: The anti-Christ will
Be a man, in his 40's, of MUSLIM descent, who will deceive the nations with
Persuasive language, and have a MASSIVE Christ-like appeal....the prophecy says
Tha t people will flock to him and he will promise false hope and world peace,
And when he is in power, will destroy everything..
Do we recognize this description??


Active Member
in the last few months ive heard obama referred to as
the messiah
the savior
there are people not just kids or women mind you in some cases grown men fainting in his presence .people are treating him like he is the end all be all ive never heard of people acting like this with a presidential candidate. not even clinton with his boxers or briefs thing when all the girls were going nuts over him it wasnt near as bad as this . i find it outrageous that people are treating him like that and giving him titles that aer meant for the lord , you non religious people dont care about it but i do i am not a religious fanatic and this thread is mostly just an observation and i do not truly believe that he is the antichrist but i do wonder