Anyone Else with Supers who barge in??


Active Member
Originally Posted by jdragunas
OOORRR, instead of tobasco, you can buy those incredibly hot peppers, and juice them, then use that in the squirtgun!
OUCH!!!! Or just kick 'em in the balls...if the workers are guys.
Sorry to hear about all this Mimzy...u still sick?


Originally Posted by Space_Geek
Or just kick 'em in the balls..
Simple, yet elegant...I like it.

darth tang

Active Member
Originally Posted by Tizzo
You don't even NEED to prove it. Courts are one of those places that they believe who they hear first. Since he said he can't change it due to the fact that he has a whole complex to run, that's all you need. Course I can't see what a court can do. Pain and suffering hasn't happened so you won't get any money.
Oh Oh, get a restraining order!! That'd stop him!! Oh that would be funny. Arrest your own landlord. Make him hav3e written permission before he can enter!!
Nah, just shoot him... Then sort out the legalities.
Forget civil court. You will get next to nothing if at all. Criminal court, breaking and entering, invasion of privacy, "stalking" (he did walk in on you

), harrassment, sexual harrassment, "assault", there are many ways it can be drawn up......depending on what event have happenned in the past.
Tazzer guns are ilegal in some states, however you have the right to detain and hold anyone breaking in to your apartment until the cops arrive on scene. Next time he just walks in, shot him in the leg and call the cops. Tell them your landlord just broke into your apartment while you were

......Women are always believed in the "helpless" situation.
The bonus being he will have to have the carpet cleaned also. Blood and stuff you know.

darth tang

Active Member
Originally Posted by jdragunas
OOORRR, instead of tobasco, you can buy those incredibly hot peppers, and juice them, then use that in the squirtgun!
You mean Habaneros. Northerners.........sheesh.


it's not a northern thing... it's a very sensative tongue thing... i can't even have mild salsa, tis too spicy...


Active Member
Legally, a landlord has to give you 30 DAYS notice before entering your apartment, when you're not home.
It's not your problem that he doesnt know when the "inspectors" will be there. There should be set appointments, between the landlord and the inspectors, at which time your landlord should make you aware of them.
Just walking into a tenants apartment, whether they're home or not, is an actual crime...doesnt matter if the guy owns the building or not.


Active Member
Originally Posted by jdragunas
it's not a northern thing... it's a very sensative tongue thing... i can't even have mild salsa, tis too spicy...
WHAT?!?!?!?! I put spicy stuff in spicy stuff in spicy stuff (really, I do) in burning HOT salsa, and it still aint hot enough for me! I am so weird...I am a northerner and always have been, yet I LOVE SUPER DUPER HOT food! :notsure:


Yup its illegal. Just posting a notice isnt enough. What if you were sick and

in bed or something? Then I guess you could shoot them and just say they tried attacking you. My wife was in the shower once and they came in and did their stuff. Thing is they knew she was home because they heard her in the shower but they kept on doing their spraying. They were charged with voyorisum. however you spell it. Next time they wouldnt have been so lucky if I had walked in on them in the house. Ohh and Mimzy if your backed in a corner or at home by yourself and you KNOW your fixing to get raped I woudlnt even think twice about Jersy laws. I would cap him before you became the next victim. Then deal with the law later. NO court is going to go after a woman who felt like their life was fixing to be taken away or raped.


Active Member
Thanks for the support all, I think I'm definitly going to have to call them on out on this one. I've never been so shaken...
I'm going to get some pepper spray and keep in on a carabiner with my keys when I'm in the house...good idea gals :thinking:
And I'm also going to keep the chain lock on when my Husband isn't home.
If I happen to forget to do it one day, and that's when they come barging in (which would be just my luck), I'm not going to hesitate to get out the remmy and give the slide a good louck racking:
and once again, you all rock


Active Member
srry ti hear that mizmy, thats y i hate nj, they have the dumbest laws, im moving to PA when im older, also get the cop grade pepper spray, lol my friend hooked me up with a big can of pepper spray, im talking a little bigger than a lysol can, i has a pistol grip on it, i use it just for protection if any little loser wants to rob our house, but ill be getting a bow soon=), and technically isnt that invasion of privacy


Active Member
Originally Posted by Tizzo
Or use bugspray and call it a freak accident you had nothing to do with...mwahahahaha
add a lighter to it and BOOM


Active Member
wow, pepperspray with a pistol grip. AWESOME!!
You live in the armpit too, huh? Shame. Philly's a good choice, I was born and raised there
Hurray Concealed Carry Permits!!
As for the knife idea....Switchblades are ilegal here too :mad:


Staff member
Pull out your lease and see what you signed. Does it say they can inspect without notice? If so, you're stuck. You can either speak to your landlord and see if he will change this rude habbbit, and, if he won't.....then start looking for an alternative place to live.


i can see it now. no one is home, the landlord comes in and there are drugs all over the place. He tried to kick you out. bet he entered unlawfully......


Active Member
Originally Posted by Mimzy
As for the knife idea....Switchblades are ilegal here too :mad:
who's gonna know as long as u dont say anything....
, i never knew that, at my firehouse im always carrying around knives on me, i know autoswitches are that too but hey whos gonna know, they are excellent when ur in danger, pull out knife and press button....SWOOSH out pops the blade=), the pistol grip mace is for riot control...imagine wut it would do to a person


Active Member
Beth, yah, we're leaving at the end of december. Thank G-d. I'll just have to chain the door when my Husband leaves and stay armed when I'm home alone. The lease does say they have to give notice, but it doesn't specify how MUCH notice. Tricksy and false.
Fishking -your firehouse? Are you volunteer or full time Frieman? My Husband's best friend is a rescue worker/emt in Patterson. He's been dying to get a fire job tho. He's getting all the certs and everything. Where's your station?