Anyone ever do this before??


I hate the look of powerheads in tanks. Also they fall off all the time suction cups suck. Also I do not want to replace all my MJ with Korella's to big and it would be expensive. What I am thinking of doing is getting an oversized return pump and using PVC return line with a center retunr outlet and 2 others. So one water outlet would be in the center as it is now and then 2 more would be on either the right side of the left side. Also I am thinking of putting one on each side, but it might be too many 90's and reduce water flow too much. It would be on a 46 gallon tank and I am thinking of using an 800 gph return pump with 1" pvc. Let me know what you guys think. The center return line would be a thin curtain cut with a saw blade then the other returns would be just a PVC elbow. Also these lines would just be sitting on the top of my tank then only go in the water about enough to cover the PVC line. Once they are covered with coraline you will hardly even notice them. So let me know what you guys think.


Active Member
Yep I plan on doing somthing similar. Prior to setting my LR In my tank I am going to get a submersable PH, fit it with small black PVC pipe and drill holes in it. Cap the end so its almost like a spray bar effect under the LR constantly moving the water around under it. The power head will be accessible so I can service it and detatching the connection point wont disrupt the LR structure.


I have actaully done this with my return on my canister filter. The spray bar is concealed behind the live rock and returns the water upward. The other return head crosses that water path and distributes the water throughout the tank... I think it helps maintain water quality as it sprays the water over the LR. I don't have a sump, so in actuality, this is kind of a sump in my DT.

bang guy

Originally Posted by mscarpena
So let me know what you guys think.
This is becomming more & more common. If you want to do some research on how others have done it search on the term "Closed Loop". There are a lot of great ideas out there.

scopus tang

Active Member
Only caution I would give here, is make sure your spray bar is sitting far enough below the level of the water. I have these on a couple of tanks, and on one its set too high. When the water level drops it begins to spray, and I end up with massive salt creep everywhere.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Scopus Tang
Only caution I would give here, is make sure your spray bar is sitting far enough below the level of the water. I have these on a couple of tanks, and on one its set too high. When the water level drops it begins to spray, and I end up with massive salt creep everywhere.
Yea mine is going to be on the bottom of the tank. Channeled through my live rock.


Hey thanks guys. I was not quit planning on a spraybar, but I gues a small one at the center back then one or 2 other outlets. I am also thinking of getting one of thos hydro flow things that spin around. Sounds like I will go ahead and do it. Seems like it works well for people. Post some pics of your stuff guys. Also what size pump you used and what size PVC you used. Thanks again.