Anyone ever get attacked by their fish?


Active Member
just curious if this has happened to anyone? if it has, care to share your story?


I have a lionfish that is trying to get me :x It somehow knows that I'm allergic to bees and if it stings me, I'll probably die. Actually, I think it just thinks that I'm going to feed it everytime I stick my hand in the tank (because typically, I will, to get it to go to the other side of the tank so it doesn't jerk up and stick me)
I guess I'm a fish tamer...I hand-feed most everything. I even trained a maroon clown to eat out of my hand. I have all these aggressive fish and I've turned them into sissies. My puffer is finger-sensitive, even if I feed him small pieces of clam or something, he takes it really nice. Even my blind as a bat zebra moray.
Do cleaner shrimp count?


I had a false percula that was a nippy little bugger.
Everytime I did maintenance (clean the glass, adjust a PH, etc.) this sucker would bite me. I could not put my hand in the tank without getting nipped.
Never caused any damage but it was really annoying.


Well just the other day I was cleaning a peice of plant from one of my powerheads and my bumblebee cichlid, nipped my forearm. Scared the **** out of me. Sorry this is FW, but thought I would share. Good thing I am not allergic to bees.........


Back when I was just starting on saltwater, i had a pair of three striped damsels. These little buggers were a total pain. I couldn't even stick my hand inside the tank to clean off the algae without them constantly biting my hand. Well, off to the LFS they went.


Active Member
When I was diving in Hawaii I had a humahuma trigger that kept chasing me around. He nipped at me a couple of times. Funniest thing I'd ever seen. He went after everyone in our dive group. A little 3" fish attacking big people. Brave little sucker.


A few months ago my whitespotted bamboo shark bite me on my knuckle. It grabbed a wad of skin and started shaking it like crazy(it was cool to watch). The bite didn't hurt at all, I just felt pulling. It bled alot though.


Active Member
I lost my pinkie finger to my undulated trigger. They tried to sew it back on, but to no avail. Extensive nerve damage to the finger. I know keep it in a glass jar in the refridgerator......
Seriously, my triggers will nip at my fingers if I'm in the tank, but once they realize no food is involved, they go about their merry buisness. I've been tagged by my carpet python once....About 50-75 razor sharp backwards pointing teeth in your arm isn't a fun situation. It was my fault though, I was fooling around in his cage at night, and they are nocturnal predators. Bo


Other than the cleaner shrimp jumping on my arm to clean me(am I that dirty?), the only time I have actually been injured by one of my fish was when I stuck MYSELF on my volitans lion's dorsal fins while moving rock in the tank. Now, as for other interesting animals, I had one of my 2 3-foot green iguanas bite me while working in the tank. The male is a tempermental little twerp, and doesn't like to be disturbed. lol


Active Member
im the type of person that when the waiter says the plate is hot don't touch it, i have to touch it to see exactly how hot it is and make sure it is hot. ever since i started a saltwater tank i wanted to get stung by a lionfish to see what it feels like. does it hurt a lot that i should take your word for it? or is it not that bad that it will feel like a bee sting?


Theres a sign on top of my reef tank, that reads, "BEFORE YOU STICK YOUR HAND IN, WHERE IS THE URCHIN????"
'Nuff said.


ROFL Musipilot. My girlfriend and I are always checking the location of the lion before we go sticking hands in, I just wasn't paying attention that day. lol It feels about like a bee sting, since it is the same basic venom. Suggested treatment, assuming you aren't allergic to bee venom, is to run warm water over the sting for a few minutes until the pain subsides, and treat with an antibiotic ointment. It went away within 10 minutes. Although not permanently damaging, I wouldn't go sticking yourself with lionfish spines for a cheap thrill. ;)


ROTF - Musipilot :) Fats, my domino, bites me everytime I reach in the tank. Guess he has marked his territory and I'm not allowed in. Since I'm allergic to bees and have to be careful of my heart, I don't keep anything that could prevent me from enjoying the reef!! That and enjoying my LIFE!! :D

aquarius 1

I have a 6 inch Orange-Shoulder Tang who is very intimidating. When cleaning the algae from his particular corner, he gets very mad and actually starts whipping his tail at me. The fish scares the crap out of me but luckily he's never nabbed me with the spine on his tail. Also both of my Picasso Triggers love to take shots at my hand while I'm cleaning the tank especially the little guy who's only about an inch long. Balls to the walls for this little guy.


Every time I try and feed my baby bamboo shark a whole silverside either my yellow tang or my picasso trigger will try and steal it from him. The funniest time was when the shark had the silverside's tail in his mouth and the tang came up and grabbed the head and started playing tug-o-war. Right now I am at the stage where if I hole the tail and keep the fish really still the tang and trigger will go up and pick at the eyes but thats about it. So I am getting there!
The LFS owners wife told me she accidentaly got touched by the Volitan Lion and said that she had to go directly to the hospital she had nausia, diarea, vomiting, migrane. About almost anything you can imagine, it sucks.


Active Member
i have had a large square spot anthias get me- it kind of hurts but no too much- i have also picked up a piece of LR and had a spine of a black urchin go all the way in my finger an break off, OUCH, talk about a splinter


Active Member
also about lion stings- it is said that running hot water over the sting helps because it breaks down the chemical composition of the venom and decreases the pain- i've never been stung by one but if you are allergic to them, sometimes it can cause some trouble
My dwarf fuzzy nearly got me today - with a bite.
I was cleaning the algae off the front of my tank, and listening to music at the same time..i didnt realise my finger was wriggling. Next thing i know the lion is shooting accross the tank at my hand...
Totally my fault, i admit. Something i will definatly be careful about in the future...