Well the only thing in my tank that chases my fingers is a 4" huma huma. Now let me tell ya if I didnt like him so much he probably would be back at the LFS because my knuckles are starting to getting a little sensitive to his mouth with those little as* teeth of his.
I think the funniest thing I ever saw was when my husband and I were snorkling in Hawaii last week and a Stars and Stripes Puffer was following us because we were feeding the fish ( fish food only as they sell it at the bay) and the puffer bit my husbands finger. Now out of reflex he jurked his finger out of the puffers mouth and guess what? you got it, the tooth of a 2 foot puffer went in about .25 of an inch into his thumb. I told him that it was a sh*t eating fish !!!!
Anyway his thumb healed fine but hurt for a couple of days. Still funny though, lmao
I think the funniest thing I ever saw was when my husband and I were snorkling in Hawaii last week and a Stars and Stripes Puffer was following us because we were feeding the fish ( fish food only as they sell it at the bay) and the puffer bit my husbands finger. Now out of reflex he jurked his finger out of the puffers mouth and guess what? you got it, the tooth of a 2 foot puffer went in about .25 of an inch into his thumb. I told him that it was a sh*t eating fish !!!!