Anyone ever get attacked by their fish?


Well the only thing in my tank that chases my fingers is a 4" huma huma. Now let me tell ya if I didnt like him so much he probably would be back at the LFS because my knuckles are starting to getting a little sensitive to his mouth with those little as* teeth of his.
I think the funniest thing I ever saw was when my husband and I were snorkling in Hawaii last week and a Stars and Stripes Puffer was following us because we were feeding the fish ( fish food only as they sell it at the bay) and the puffer bit my husbands finger. Now out of reflex he jurked his finger out of the puffers mouth and guess what? you got it, the tooth of a 2 foot puffer went in about .25 of an inch into his thumb. I told him that it was a sh*t eating fish !!!!:D Anyway his thumb healed fine but hurt for a couple of days. Still funny though, lmao
i just got a new clowntrigger for 60 bucks he is about 7 inches long awesome fish the first time i feed him he ate the krill but than last night my snowflake eel knocked over a piece of coral so i went to fix it the clowntrigger got my thumb it hurt but not real bad than i went to get krill that was going into the filter ,he went for me again ,he even bites the tank when i pass by ,lol :D


i got bit by my puffers at least 10,triggers about 4, my horn shark, my eel, my shrimp about every time i put my hand in the tank, clown about 3, and more
i have a couple stories with fish. i work at the shedd aquarium and at a lfs. one time i netted a humahuma and the net got caught on his dorsal fin and i didnt see where my pinky was and he bit it. no biggy only a little blood. another one was my naso tang the razors on their tails are really sharp it got me with one and that really hurt . but the one that hurt the most was an octopus that we got into the store and it got a hold of my finger.


Active Member
my clown like to attack me when im working in the tank.. doesnt hurt just scares the piss outa me...


i have a foot and a half hawaiin dragon moray and one time i accidentaly moved his lr cave. This made him really mad and he just kept biting my arm. I had to keep my hand in the tank because i didnt want to drop the lr on anyone and he kept moving his head around and biting my arm. It took about two weeks to heal and I still have a big scar... i still love him though : )


Active Member
Great stories guys!
I have a few myself. I was at a lake with a friend. We were in a little cove and decided to go for a swim. Now, I'm not scared of much, but I am scared of going into water when I can't see the bottom. Over-active imagination, I guess. Anyway, my friend was the same way, so it took us a while to get into the water. I know, we are sissies, now that I look back. I just kept thinking--3 foot snapping turtle. Anyway, all of the sudden I feel something bite my leg, so I scream like a little girl and go running back to the shore. My friend high tails it out too. So, then we are standing on the waters edge, looking into the water, trying to figure out what it was. Finally I convince myself I made it up, and we go back in. This time, my friend gets bit, he screams like a little girl, and we both run back to the beach. So, we are both standing on the edge of the water looking in, trying to get up the guts to go back in. Finally, we see the culprit, a 2 inch bluegill! Everytime we went anywhere into the water, that little fish would follow us and bite us! This fish didn't just have a territory it was guarding, it was a personal vendeta against us. So, that day, two grown men were scared out of the water by one 2 inch fish.
I have 2 oscars, and they have very different personalities. One of them likes to give me sorta like kisses. The fish is 12 inches long, and it will bite me really softly. He's a riot. Scares me every time though. One time I wasn't paying attention, and he stuck my entire index finger in his mouth, but didn't bite it. Talk about a weird feeling!
The other time I'll mention (there have been lots) was when I was snorkeling in Hawaii and a 2 foot porcupine fish bit my hand. Didn't hurt much as it was basically a nibble, but scared me to death. I turned to see what it was, and there was this huge fish face, with giant eyeballs staring back at me, 2 inches from my face.
I also have a 12 inch red eared slider turtle that is always out for my blood. I have been lucky enough to avoid being bitten in the 8 years I have had her though!
Yesterday I was getting rid of my eel,(he was a psycho) and traded for a black and white heniochus but i took him out because he almost killed my tang and killed my flame. While I was getting him out he jumped up and bit my hand, and he would not let go until he ran out of breath and then fell back into the tank. Although small, these eels have very sharp teeth.


I've got a pretty interesting tale to tell...
One of my friends told me about how fun it was to put on a snorkel and goggles and try to catch freshwater fish. He said all you have to do is go in the shallow water with a bucket of corn and the fish will eventually gain the nerve to go into the bucket. Sounds good in theory, right? Well everything was going fine. I had a school of bluegill darting around me getting interested in the bucket. They were still conscious of me. So I just did a dead man's float and they came closer. I had my eyes fixed on one of the larger fish that was just about to go in the bucket and WHAM!
Right out of nowhere a bluegill bit me in the

. I'm sure it looked tasty to him but wow did that hurt.
In the end the only thing really injured was my pride. After all wasn't I hunting the fish and not the other way around?:D