Anyone ever get stung?


I bought a new hammer coral and placed it in my tank with no problems. A little later, I went to move it and it stung the !@#$ out of me . At least I think it was the hammer (it might have been something else on it). I'm talking a bee sting type pain and my thumb was swolen for a day. It's been 3 days and my thumb still hurts when I touch it. Anyone else been stung by any corals? Just curious....


Active Member
yeah my blasto makes my skin red and itchy if I get too close .... but nothing that bad. I try to wear surgical gloves when I do anything in the tanks


Active Member
I moved a piece of lr the other day,and wound up with like cactus spines in my clue what caused it .I havent seen a bristle worm or anything else.


Active Member
i have been stung by stuff, but nothign thats ever been really nasty, giving me blisters or scars.....for the most part it just feels like the corals are super sticky!
good luck
and be careful!


I touch all of my corals likea ll of the time. I slam my hand in to feed my corals barehand. My anenome has never crawled up my arm..? Wouldnt that take a long time because anenomes move very slow? Although I guess if he stuck to your arm then you cant really take him off. Anyway I'm just sayin I have never been stung by anything. i just find everything feels really really sticky.


Active Member
the sticieness of the corals is them stinging you.....the stickiness that you feel is actually millions of harpoon like nematocysts being fired into your arm/hand, etc how bad the sting from these guys is really just depends on how allergic you are to them!
now with fire coral though, thats a different story!
good luck


Yeah, Sumpn got me yesterday at the lfs. I was buying live rock and went back to the tank to pull out 50 lbs. Some one had stuck a coral of some sort in there. I grabbed it and WACK! It got me I immediately dropped it but it was to late. Now my hand is smarting real good. I think somebody was hiding it in there to come back and get it. From now on I'll be very careful pulling LR.


Active Member
Like CHICKfish relates, a lot of it is in where they sting you. Most of the time, in my experience, they just feel sticky. But your hand is pretty tough- the skin is pretty thick. But that can make you pay a little less attention and then you swipe by something and it hits the skin on your inner arm or similar. I've been stung by hammer and (sad to say) a condylactus anemone. I've handled loads of those but just didn't think twice about one sweeping along the inside of my arm. Learned the hard way from that.


I don't know...maybe I had a small cut on my thumb from moving some live rock....but the hammer "hammered" me. :D