Dreams about the aquarium; I have many dreams about fish, but I do have a recurrent dream. I dream that the fish from the tank are floating in the air. In the dreams, it seems very natural that the fish are floating through the air, like in our living room.
In the dreams, the fish floating is not unnatual at all; it seems as if they are where they belong.
The only rationalization I can give this is that I have scuba dived a few times and being in a three deminional world with the fish has been as close to as I think I will ever be to an astronaut. The feeling at 100 ft deep is a strange feeling, becasue up, down, sideways and anglelaury are all so differet than our world.
So, maybe, there is an explanation to my dreams, but, I really don't care, because dreams are dreams. But hey, dreams are no more than wishes, and whishes still come true!