Anyone ever heard of this???


I was at the LFS today, returning a sebae anenome after reading that they don't do well in captivity, and realizing my cleaner shrimp wouldn't leave it alone long enough for it to find a comfortable spot :mad: . So I'm looking in the reef tank, and they have this stuff The salesguy called "mermaid grass", but when I asked more about it, he hadn't a clue. Said the supplier really didn't tell him much about it. I think it looks cool. It's very thin(hairlike), bright green, lush grass, in clumps, attatched to rocks. So, what is this stuff, and what do I need to keep it? Also, how fast does it grow, food, etc.
Any info would help.


I had some of this. It's a really attractive macro algae. Unfortunately, I don't know much about keeping it cause when I bought it my snails (turbos) went hog wild and decimated their unintended treat in a couple of days.


I didn't buy it, I wanted to find out more about it first. Sounds like I should stay away from it, though.


Active Member
That Maidens hair is nice looking stuff but I dont know anyone who has tried to keep it.


Active Member
I think I've seen the stuff you're talking about but it was called shaving brush algae. Don't know as if you'd have to treat it any different than calurpa or if it's even the same stuff.
Take care,
Dan'l :D


Active Member
We've had both Madiens hair and the shaving brush, the madins hair is really cool looking stuff, we didn't feed it anything special, we add different things to feed our reef, it did really well until we had a nitrate spike. The shaving brush is nice too, we have some of that in our 200, the only problem with that is the fish have picked it til its all over are tank. I think we have one good brush left out of 5.
Later Lisa


We have both maidens hair and shaving brush, and we don't do anything special, both are at the bottom of the tank, every once in a while we will trim them, but thats the extent of the maintenence cuz the maiden's hair does grow quite fast, they are nice because the green adds colour and helps with the pods.....