Anyone ever order corals on-line


I was thinking of ordering some corals from this web-site. I was hoping I could get some comments from people who have ordered on-line. If you could include what you ordered and how well it did or is doing...... Thanks


I got some zoo's & they brought along spiders, Make sure you dip in Lugo's.If you find a person thats fraging their own corals they are safe. It's not a problem , just dip the corals you buy from anywhere.Make fresh dip for each coral, I diped zoos & then xenia & burnt the xenia up.


Active Member
i bought corals 3x online. some did die after 2 weeks. i got candy cane, clove, zoas, leathers. the hardier ones seem to do well after shipping. some just didnt recover.


Not to be a cheerleader here, but I've bought all my corals off of this site and have't lost any of them in almost 3 years. Green star, zoos, leather, colt, mushrooms, torch, xenia, etc., - all still doing great!
Actually, I've always had luck with everything I've bought off of this site except gobies. For some reason, they disappear. Other than the 2 times I tried gobies, I've only lost one fish in nearly 3 years.


i bought many b4.. problem is u get nice variety online, but for $50 u get a .00001 inch size and at your LFS you can get one 5inches..


Active Member
I found corals are cheaper buying on line. There is the shipping, but this site offers free shipping if you spend like 78.00, not impossible to spend that amount on corals.


I have ordered here before, mushrooms, zoos, some made it some didnt. I was overall happy with the orders though. Just remember, buying from your LFS you can loose livestock as well. It is a chance we all take in this hobby.


I placed one large(ish) order from here. The 2 mushrooms that I ordered (7$ a piece) both died, but the Zoo's I ordered were amazing. I have not had 100% success from here, in fact I would say I had about 45% success, but I have to say, I do not think it was, I think that it was me and my tank... I would not hesitate to order from here again.


Active Member
Originally Posted by mujtba
i bought many b4.. problem is u get nice variety online, but for $50 u get a .00001 inch size and at your LFS you can get one 5inches..
i would have to agree,,,everything you order from here is very small and i mean small...thats my expereince i have had,,have a great day...


Active Member
I have only one bark about ordering from this site.....nothing is ever in stock.
I can never seem to time everything to have the 3 or 4 corals I am looking for in stock at the same time.
otherwise they do have a fantastic return policy and after a few orders they seem to take care of you with even tossing in extras on larger orders. Keep in mind they get so many people from all over and deal with soup-to-nuts in the area of saltwater so sometimes you get caught up in the shuffle, but if your patient they always make everything right.
The Gorgs from this site sometimes come delivered MONSTEROUS. almost too big! Not every time, but not uncommon to require splitting them into two to fit in your reef.
Not to take away from the sales from this site but also trading and the community is wonderful. I have traded with half this board I think.


Originally Posted by drewdog82
I was thinking of ordering some corals from this web-site. I was hoping I could get some comments from people who have ordered on-line. If you could include what you ordered and how well it did or is doing...... Thanks

Ask the owner of this site, I've bought almost $2k from this site with no deaths!
Amazing huh?
On a side note, they have a cool feature where you can choose a FREE bonus item EACH time you place a new order LOL... the bonuses just get better and better.


I have order fish, inverts and coral. I have never had a problem with anything that I was equiped to have. When I was a newbie I got an anenome that did not make it but it was my fault. As for corals mine are all healthy and growing nicely.


I have done online shopping for years (on corals and fish). I have used 3 different sites (this NOT being one of them). Unfortunately, the only reason I have not used this site to order in the past is ReefForBrains main complaint. They never seem to have the stock in to best complete what I am looking for.
Ordering online is almost always cheaper than your LFS as long as you buy 4-5 things at a time.
I will let you know that the success rate of online sites, IMO, are all decent. My loss rate from online sellers is most likely about the same as from the LFS. On the upside, online dealers almost never sell you something that really just looks crappy from the get go. I know many a LFS that will sell you sick fish if its what you pick out (they won't deter you from selecting less healthy specimens). This isn't always the case, of course. I think I have only ever gotten 1 or 2 specimens that died within the first 24 hours from online supplies. Most die due to incompatibility, and within this hobby you will learn that your going to have unexplained losses too. (WTH happend to my Tang?!?! He was eating and swimming around fat, dumb and happy just yesterday!)